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User talk:MrTweek

Revision as of 11:25, 14 July 2008 by MrTweek (talk | contribs)



I have just added some more info and would like others to contribute P.S. Sorry if I am replying in the wrong way or place.

Joho MrTweek, I never did hitch out of Düsseldorf directly as i think it's not so fast. I am always driving to Oberhausen Sterkrade instead and from there to Heinrich-Heine-Str. I wrote it in the Düsseldorf page. I'll try to post all my tips here. Let's keep this website growing ;).

Hi MrTweek! Thanks for your message! even though i am not 1oo percent sure if it makes a lot of sense to translate everything from english into german it's my please to help a bit with sharing info and translation. pesef

Hey MrTweek! Thanks for your contributions! Maybe you also know some more specific things about hitching in Austria and Hungary? Thanks, Guaka 04:38, 6 September 2006 (UTC)

Hi! Thanks for the welcome. I'm in the middle of exams at the moment but I'll add some more info when I've got some spare time. Hope I can help :). --Tom 10:32, 16 May 2007 (CEST)

Discussion about copyrights

Apache difficulties

I noticed you were trying to work out the problem with pages that begin with accented characters. Would you like me to help out? I'm pretty crafty with 'nix, php, etc. and I got my Wiki working perfectly with the "pretty links." Any kind of character works. Zactalk 15:33, 19 June 2007 (CEST)

Yes, maybe I get back to you with that. Foreign characters at the beginning of an article name work for you? My apache's utf8-support seems to be broken since I upgraded from debian sarge to etch. I didn't find time (and motivation) to fix this yet. --MrTweek 15:55, 19 June 2007 (CEST)
Hey, I just fixed it :) Was not an apache-problem but a broken rewrite rule. Changed it from ^([A-Z]*)$ to ^(.+)$ now it works perfectly for me. Thanks for kicking me to get this running ;) --MrTweek 16:25, 19 June 2007 (CEST)
This makes me think of setting up a team to maintain stuff on the servers. It's good to set up project:Server maintenance or something like that :) Guaka 19:11, 19 June 2007 (CEST)

My mod_rewrite is set up like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^wiki/(.*) w/index.php?title=$1 [PT,L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^wiki/*$ wiki/ [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^/*$ wiki/ [L,QSA] #remove this if you want more content than the wiki in the root

It's supposedly better to edit pages from index.php?title=.... instead of just the "pretty links" because you can block index.php from being indexed in search engines with robots.txt and then you have cleaner search results. Zactalk 20:06, 19 June 2007 (CEST)


Hey, I think I can add a lot of stuff after the next 6 weeks, in 2 days we start down from the Netherlands to a trip across Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria (mainly), Romania and Hungary :) See you on the road, greetings ralf

Hitching trips on Google Maps

Hi Philipp. I'm also trying to get my hitching tracks into Google Maps. However, after having drawn about 50 lines, the site has become really slow and I'm not able to add more lines fluently. Should you have any suggestions for this, then I'd be most interested. Here is one more map of a hitchhiker who put his trips into GM:,6.240234&spn=12.809217,29.619141&z=5. He did it in another way, supposedly with an external (KML?) editor or a GIS application. Fverhart 2 July 2007

Yes, I have the same problems. It is very slow in Opera, but in Firefox it's ok. This depends a lot on your Computer speed. With my Pentium-M 1,6G Hz, it is just usable (in Firefox). In my company office with 2x2,8 GHz P4 it works very great. However, the more lines you draw, the slower it gets. I don't know about any external kml-editor. In google-earth you can at least read the files, but I think there is no possibility to edit them (but I'm not sure about that). Did you ask Jochem how he did this? I was wondering that too, because his maps look a little weird when you zoom very close. --MrTweek 12:22, 2 July 2007 (CEST)
Well, in FireFox on my PIII 350 mhz, 256+64 mb RAM it is simply slow :). With a somewhat faster machine @ work it is not workable, with only IE at hand. And I've drawn about 5% of the lines now. I don't know exactly how Jochem did it. It would be much better to find a solution for another problem. I'm keeping track of the petition at However, the site is being spammed and now I get lots of mails of fake signature entries for the petition. I haven't got time to filter everything out, but the new entrees must be confirmed by clicking a link in the e-mail. This has been set up in PHP by a contact of Markus (mabe in Abgefahren). --Fverhart 12:22, 2 July 2007 (CEST)
Ok, in this case, your machine is obviously the reason ;) In general, Firefox seems to be the fastet in interpreting JavaScript.
Regarding your other problem: a nice, simple solution to avoid spam in forms is to add a textfield to the form, give it a name which spambots will like (i.e. email, name, url) and make it invisible (preferably with css). The user won't see it and won't fill it. The spambot doesn't know that it's invisible (they are not that good usually) and will probably fill some data into that field. Now you can delete all entries, where this field is filled. This worked really well for me in a few different cases. --MrTweek 20:16, 2 July 2007 (CEST)


Hey! Thanks for the message, can't figure out how to message people, so I hope you get this. I've been using this site for ages, and figured it was about time I corrected some of the dreadful English on the France pages, and added to the site the little that I know. I'll add more in time, the hitch from Cardiff to Morocco really helped me, and I'll add a page on Cardiff too. Carl

It's actually great to read that people actually use Hitchwiki]] without even contributing :) It would be nice to have some more stats on that that these ones. And maybe we can find ways to make them actually click edit :) Guaka 14:27, 31 July 2007 (CEST)

liftershalte on hitchwiki


i just added a map of lifterhalte into the hitchwiki information for Varna in Bulgaria. Unfortunately I wanted to have a map of Varna showing the hybrid maps view, but it only appears as a normal map. Nevertheless the html code shows "View=2", what obviously stands for hybrid, right? Is there any way to show this kind of map? Otherwise the map for Varna seems quite useless since googlemaps only displays one street there ;)

Probably my mistake ;) I'll fix it the next days when I'm home again. --MrTweek

This page have a problem with the time. I speak a little english. AutostopWiki tiene un problema con la hora que indica al firmar, siendo las 13:32 me indica las 18:32 y tengo ajstado el uso en -03:00. Saludos y Gracias por colaborar en la creación de AutostopWiki --Carlos 18:33, 23 August 2007 (CEST)

Yes, because the server is in the CEST timezone. The date in the articles is not dynamic, so it can't be different for each user. The timezone that you set in your preferences is only shown at the Recent Changes list, article history. I think there is no solution for this problem, unfortunately :(
Hope I understood your problem correctly, I hardly speak Spanish --MrTweek 19:12, 23 August 2007 (CEST)
Thanks. I hardly speak english. --Carlos 01:43, 24 August 2007 (CEST)
Imposible access to -- 19:49, 14 September 2007 (CEST)

Stats linking to Wikipedia

At the bottom of our wikistats, de ZeitGeist is linking to Wikipedia, and it should link to Hitchwiki. Could you fix it? :) guakasite, wikitalk 16:32, 8 September 2007 (CEST)


Just a test -- 15:02, 14 September 2007 (CEST) (aka MrTweek)

hey - no prob! thanks for the link to hitchwiki -it's a great resource!

liftershalte problem

Hi. The liftershalte help page brought me here. Everytime I try to add a point and click on "add point", it says "authentication error". What's wrong? --Kb 15:05, 6 March 2008 (CET)

Ouh, there was a bad bug. I just fixed it, please try again. You probably have to log out and log in again, so the changes will apply for you. Thanks for reporting that. --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 15:20, 6 March 2008 (CET)
Adding points is working now, thanks. I just realised that the help emailadress is stated recognizably in the blue bar... however, my message would have gone to the same address anyway, I guess. --Kb 21:20, 6 March 2008 (CET)

Liftershalte & Blogs

hi, was denkst du, ist es moeglich blogs wie e.g. (und auch die internationalen) auf der karte von liftershalte als sprechblasen einzubinden? waere cool... dann poppen die auf liftershalte und wiki auf und damit verbreiteten sich relevante infos und geschichten... --Alex 19:27, 10 March 2008 (CET)

gute Idee, und sollte auch recht leicht umzusetzen sein. Aber wie kommen die Koordinaten in die Blog-Eintraege? --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 19:30, 10 March 2008 (CET)
Schau dir mal genauer an (kannst auf Clonen gehen und dir die Source anschauen), es gibt dort ne Art GeoModul (ne Beschreibung dazu gibts dort auch). Ich habe keine Ahnung wie das genau aufgebaut ist, aber es fuegt zum XML die GeoDaten hinzu. Bei einer genauere Auswertung von siehst du die Geodaten (<geo:lat> & <geo:long>). Ich pflege denselben GeoFeed mit mehr internationalen Blogs, aber es treten dort immer mal wieder Fehler auf (zuviele Feeds, unsaubere Feeds). Ich schlage vor mit dem deutschen Feed zu starten und wenn der dann laeuft das weiter auszubauen. Vielleicht hast du ja auch Lust deinen eigenen Aggregator zu bauen... Btw. hast du ne Ahnung wie Flickrfeeds aufgebaut sind? Da sollten doch auch Geodaten verfuegbar sein... Hitchhiking Category... --Alex 19:56, 10 March 2008 (CET)
Heisst das, du gibts die von Hand ein? Eigentlich sollte das der Blogger ja machen. Sonst wirds auf dauer sehr viel arbeit --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 19:59, 10 March 2008 (CET)
Ich adde die Blogfeeds per Hand, ja. Das muss man eben einmal alle paar Wochen machen und gut ist, ansonsten kommt da ja auch recht schnell Spam dazwischen... Oder meintest du die Geodaten? --Alex 22:00, 10 March 2008 (CET)
Ja, die GeoDaten. Alles andere kann man leicht automatisieren. --22:03, 10 March 2008 (CET)
Das geht auto... einfach mal Source anschauen... --Alex 22:11, 10 March 2008 (CET)
Wie jetzt? Da stehen unter anderem Blogeintraege von mir drin. Ich hab da definitiv keine Geodaten eingegeben. Woher weiss das Teil, wo ich getrampt bin? Scannt das den Text nach Ortsnamen ab oder wie? --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 23:06, 10 March 2008 (CET)
"Schau dir mal genauer an (kannst auf Clonen gehen und dir die Source anschauen), es gibt dort ne Art GeoModul (ne Beschreibung dazu gibts dort auch). Ich habe keine Ahnung wie das genau aufgebaut ist, aber es fuegt zum XML die GeoDaten hinzu." --Alex 23:24, 10 March 2008 (CET) PS:
Hmm, das ueberrascht mich. Konnte den Source nicht angucken, weil ich da keinen Account habe, aber ich setz das mal auf meine Liste. --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 23:35, 10 March 2008 (CET)

Hey.. wollte einen Blog auf hitchwiki starten, aber beim einloggen ist genau gar nichts passiert. Benutzername, Passwort, klicken auf Log in --> nichts! Bin auf derselben Seite (Log in) geblieben. Was muss ich tun? Gruss, cee


* Longest Waiting Time: :) -- (Undo revision 20181 by Alex (Talk)) - Is there non? :( --Alex 12:34, 28 May 2008 (CEST)

Probably, but I don't know. --MrTweeksite, wikitalk 13:08, 28 May 2008 (CEST)

Video extension

Hi there, sorry for the delay, I just saw your messasge. I emailed you and looking forward to your reply. IdoSet 10:59, 12 June 2008 (CEST)

Uhm, I didn't get any email? Do you have my address? try mrtweek [at] --MrTweek 11:03, 12 June 2008 (CEST)


Hallo Philipp, ich bin Hansm von Ich habe dir auf meiner Diskussionsseite geantwortet. Melde dich bitte dort, wenn es noch Unklarheiten oder Probleme gibt. -- Hansm

Das Problem mit dem Cache scheint bei Euch irgendwie stärker aufzutreten als bei uns. Ehrlich gesagt glaube ich gar nicht mehr so richtig, dass es schlau war, die isin-Daten im Parser-Cache zu speichern. Ein eigener Cache wäre dafür wahrscheinlich besser geeignet. Aber was mich noch interessieren würde: Benutzt Ihr einen memcached oder geht der Cache bei Euch über die Datenbank? -- Hansm 21:25, 15 June 2008 (CEST)
Gute Frage. Ich habe nichts derartiges konfiguriert. In der LocalSettings.php steht
$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
Sonst nichts, was auf Cache hinweisen koennte. --MrTweek 21:47, 15 June 2008 (CEST)

hi. please add my blog to your blog list. it's not all pure hitching, though.

Done :) --MrTweek 15:54, 2 July 2008 (CEST)

hi. please add my blog to your blog list. it's not all pure hitching, though.

please add my blog!


done ;) --MrTweek 10:02, 11 July 2008 (CEST)
done --MrTweek 11:25, 14 July 2008 (CEST)
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