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415 bytes added, 02:52, 26 January 2009
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I've started hitchhiking less than a year ago, dec 24th 2007. Because i felt an urge, because life was not possible without it anymore... Since then, I've hitched from [[Antalya]] to [[Brno]], for example... I mostly hitchhike alone, it's fine most of the time, most of the time I'm not afraid... Although, for the first time last month, I did invent a boyfriend and a desire for a family and stable life.<br />Girls, go read this [[|guide to hitchhiking for girls]], for example!
''Best ride ever'': maybe the one to [[Fethiye]] with James, the guy toured us around, brought us to another historical site, fed us traditional turkish food and got us drunk on Raki, then brought us to a heavenly beach so we could sleep there... Jaymes did smile for real, on that picture... <br />
''Worst ever'': i do not count the times when I'm more or less directly asked about sex anymore. <br />
''Fastest'': the last one: a direct ride from the bus stop out of [[Vienna]] to my town in [[Czech Republic]], 3 minutes walk from my door... and the guy spoke a language i speak! <br />
''Slowest'': 5 hours (and 3 policemen) from [[Zagreb]] to the north Croatian border (to [[Maribor]])...<br />
''Funny ones'': they already were six in the car, but oh, whatever, then we were 8 with 2 big backpacks. They were mussels sellers, so we ended up on the turkish coast somewhere, with a handful of not-so-fresh and supposedly ready to eat mussels. Or maybe the one with the Polish truckdriver, when we sang Jozin z Bazin together...?
anyway, if you re hitchhiking somewhere, from somewhere in Europe, let me know, i may join you! I have loads of free time this year.
Of course, I have [ HospitalityClub] ([ member: stupidfrog]) and [ CouchSurfing] ([ member: stupidfrog]) accounts!
Oh, and for me, dumpster diving is the perfect companion to hitchhiking. Go check [ trashwiki]!
[[Category:Hitchhikers in Czech Republic]]

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