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470 bytes added, 13:06, 22 September 2007
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'''Cyprus''' is an Eurasian island country in the Mediterranean Sea. It is divided in a [[Greece|Greek]] and a [[Turkey|Turkish]] side.The European Union still treat the North of the island (the [[Turkey|Turkish]] part) as a militarily occupied area. The Southern [[Greece|Greece]] side is part of the European Union. ==Cities==(''[[Turkey|Turkish]] names of cities in brackets '')*[[Famagusta]] (''Gazimağusa'')*[[Kyrenia]] (''Girne'')*[[Larnaca]] (''İskele''), [[Limassol]] (''Limasol, Leymosun'')*[[Nicosia]] (''Lefkoşa'')*[[Paphos]] (''[[Turkey|Turkish]]: Baf/Kasaba'')

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