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(West towards Berlin, Dresden (D) {{Apl|4}} {{E|40}})
(Hitching in)
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==== Bielany Wrocławskie A4 highway exit with Orlen petrol station on the spot ====
==== "Bielany Wroclawskie" A4 motorway exit with Orlen petrol station on the spot ====
Take the bus to ""Auchan"" shopping center from main bus station ([http://www.auchan.pl/auchan-wroclaw/rozklad-jazdy/autobus-auchan/autobus-auchan/dworzec-autobusowy]). It costs 1,50 Zloty. Get off at the last stop and you will see a petrol station from there. Just go directly towards it without crossing any streets (only these belonging to Auchan's car park).
Use [https://jakdojade.pl/wroclaw/trasa/ website] to find bus connection to "Aleja Bielany".
Then use google maps to walk to Orlen petrol station located on the exit from the motorway.
You can also take Tesco bus from the crossroad of ''Hallera'' and ''Powstańców Sląskich'' or ''Wroclaw EPI'' station (close to main bus station) to shopping center ''Bielany'' ([http://www.bielany.parkhandlowy.pl/~/media/poland/bielany/documents/bielany%20-%20nowy%20rja%20int.ashx timetable]; ). It costs 3 Zloty. Get off at the last stop, go right along the Tesco (way back) to ''Czekoladowa'' street, then turn left (along the Tesco), then cross the street, go under the bridge (motorway), turn right and go along the motorway across the field, you'll get to the petrol station and you will be in the same place as in the Auchan bus option.
More detailed description of buses:
Those buses also go to that area ([http://www.marcopolo.pl/kobierzyce.html timetables] - ''Rozklad jazdy'' - time table, ''Dni robocze'' - weekdays, ''Soboty'' - Saturdays, ''Niedziele'' - Sundays): 862 - Main Train Station (Dworzec PKP) -> Wroclaw Krzyki -> Bielany MAKRO, 872 - Wroclaw Krzyki -> Bielany MAKRO, 852 - Wroclaw Krzyki -> Bielany Wr. - Centrum Handlowe, 892 - Wroclaw Krzyki -> Bielany MAKRO
133 - get off at either "AUCHAN" or "C.H. Aleja Bielany" (last stop). From "AUCHAN" it is 400m walk, from "C.H. Aleja Bielany" it is 1000m walk.
612, 862, 872, 892 - get off at "Bielany Wr. - MAKRO". From there it is 400m walk.
852, 882, 892A - get off at "Bielany Wr. - Centrum Handlowe" From there it is 900m walk.
==== BP petrol station ====
Spot / {{E|40}} on [https://www.google.com/maps/@51.0506086,16.9699511,3a,75y,220.4h,93.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1gCskLDE7JebYgwTBoKUBA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Google Street View]
Take tram [http://www.wroclaw.pl/rozklady/przystanki/17_16_1.html 17] to '''''Klecina''''' (20min from main station). Get out at the final stop, walk back some meters and turn right to ''Skrajna'' street. After 150m turn left and after 50m right again into ''Jeździecka'' street. After 200m you will reach a main street that goes directly to the motorway A4. There is a big BP petrol station, the last one before the motorway. It's about 30 minutes walking.
=== East towards [[Katowice]], [[Kraków]] {{Apl|4}} {{E|40}} ===
=== East towards [[Katowice]], [[Kraków]] {{Apl|4}} {{E|40}} ===
==== "Bielany Wroclawskie" A4 motorway exit with Orlen petrol station on the spot ====
The city public transport that goes to your spot is bus 133 to Auchan. The jakdojade app and website (valid for all Polish city public transport) also lists AB bus that goes to the spot but it doesn't go on many Sundays and public holidays. There used to be other buses (stated below) but I can't confirm whether this information is still up to date.
Use [https://jakdojade.pl/wroclaw/trasa/ website] to find bus connection to "Aleja Bielany".
Take the bus to ""Auchan"" shopping center from main bus station ([http://www.auchan.pl/auchan-wroclaw/rozklad-jazdy/autobus-auchan/autobus-auchan/dworzec-autobusowy]). It costs 1,50 Zloty. Get off at the last stop, go over the bridge on the highway. You will see red petrol station ""Orlen"" alongside motorway.You can hitchiking there.
Then use google maps to walk to Orlen petrol station located on the exit from the motorway. It is the same situation as going west towards Germany, you are just on the other side of the motorway.
You can also take Tesco bus from the crossroad of ''Hallera'' and ''Powstańców Sląskich'' or ''Wroclaw EPI'' station (close to main bus station) to shopping center ''Bielany'' ([http://www.bielany.parkhandlowy.pl/~/media/poland/bielany/documents/bielany%20-%20nowy%20rja%20int.ashx timetable]; ). It costs 3 Zloty. Get off at the last stop, go right along the Tesco (way back) to Czekoladowa street, then turn left (along the Tesco), then turn right to cross the street and go straight along the motorway across the field (don't go under the bridge) and one small exit from the motorway, you'll get to the petrol station where you can ask people for a ride or try to hitch on a sliproad next to the station (the same situation as going towards [[Germany]], you're just on the other side of the motorway). The sliproad is very easy to hitch from with a lot of traffic moving slowly round a bend, where they can see you and stop easily. [[User:Theinefficienthitchhiker|Theinefficienthitchhiker]] would recommend this spot.
More detailed description of buses:
Those buses also go to that area: (they cost 3 Zloty):
133 - get off at either "AUCHAN" or "C.H. Aleja Bielany" (last stop). From there it is 700m walk.
All time tables: [http://www.marcopolo.pl/kobierzyce.html timetables]; (''Rozklad jazdy'' - time table, ''Dni robocze'' - weekdays, ''Soboty'' - Saturdays, ''Niedziele'' - Sundays) 862 - Main Train Station (Dworzec PKP) -> Wroclaw Krzyki -> Bielany MAKRO, 872 - Wroclaw Krzyki -> Bielany MAKRO, 852 - Wroclaw Krzyki -> Bielany Wr. - Centrum Handlowe, 892 - Wroclaw Krzyki -> Bielany MAKRO
612, 862, 872, 892 - get off at "Bielany Wr. - MAKRO". From there it is 400m walk.
Or take tram [http://www.wroclaw.pl/rozklady/przystanki/17_16_1.html 17] to '''''Klecina''''' (20min from main station). Get out at the final stop, walk back some meters and turn right to ''Skrajna'' street. After 150m turn left and after 50m right again into ''Jeździecka'' street. After 200m you will reach a main street that goes directly to the motorway A4. There is a big BP petrol station, the last one before the motorway, where you can ask people. It's about 30 minutes walking.
852, 882, 892A - get off at "Bielany Wr. - Centrum Handlowe" From there it is 700m walk.
Somebody hitching to east / {{E|40}} on [https://maps.google.com/?ll=51.049159%2C16.969864&spn=0.001706%2C0.005284&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=51.049159%2C16.969864&panoid=4easbB-Izhrba4XMQ7y8nA&cbp=12%2C346.17%2C%2C0%2C15.36 Google Street View]
Spot / {{E|40}} on [https://maps.google.com/?ll=51.049159%2C16.969864&spn=0.001706%2C0.005284&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=51.049159%2C16.969864&panoid=4easbB-Izhrba4XMQ7y8nA&cbp=12%2C346.17%2C%2C0%2C15.36 Google Street View]
Note : If you're going past Katowice region (for example to Kraków), but your driver is turning off A4 there, then get off at MOP Rachowice at the outskirts of Gliwice - it's a great spot to find a ride further on. Otherwise you might get stuck in some very bad spot with only local traffic.
Note : If you're going past Katowice region (for example to Kraków), but your driver is turning off A4 there, then get off at MOP Rachowice at the outskirts of Gliwice - it's a great spot to find a ride further on. Otherwise you might get stuck in some very bad spot with only local traffic.
Line 51: Line 53:
Option 1
==== Option 1: Opposite "Wroclaw Psie Pole" train station ====
Take bus 604 to the end of route. From there you have to only cross the tracks on the left and you will be on very long straight road with very wide shoulder of road. Another option to go there is taking the bus D, and go to the end of route and from there you have to cross a few building and go to the road (more or less 800m). You will be in the same place from first option but on the second side of road.
Use [https://jakdojade.pl/wroclaw/trasa/ website] to find the connection with Wroclaw Psie Pole Train Station.
Start hitching on the opposite side of the road to the train station. There is bus stop so you can hitchhike there just before the bus stop.
Option 2
==== Option 2: "Wroclaw Lotnisko" A8 motorway exit ====
It's possible to take the bus 128, getting off at the stop '''''Psie Pole''''', and walk in the direction of the train station. Start hitching in front of the train station, before the bus stop (the train station is on the opposite side of the road).
In the west of the city you can find a roundabout in Graniczna street where it meets with Plaska street, just before the S8. There is a shopping centre nearby. You can stand in the exit of the roundabout with a Warszawa sign. There is just enough place for the cars to stop, and they are going very slow, so they can see you easily.
You can also take the train from main station "Wrocław Główny" to station "Psie Pole". It's better option than bus cause this will take you 20 minutes.
==== Option 3: "Wroclaw Polnoc" A8 motorway exit ====
Use the spot North towards Poznan, Bydgosz from this website.
Option 3
In the west of the city you can find a roundabout in Graniczna street where it meets with Płaska street, just before the S8. There is a shopping centre nearby. You can stand in the exit of the roundabout with a Warszawa sign. There is just enough place for the cars to stop, and they are going very slow, so they can see you easily.
=== North towards [[Poznań]], [[Bydgoszcz]] {{National Road Number Poland|5}} {{E|261}} ===
=== North towards [[Poznań]], [[Bydgoszcz]] {{National Road Number Poland|5}} {{E|261}} ===
==== "Wroclaw Polnoc" A8 motorway exit ====
[[File:Wroclav-Poznan.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[User:Rafkoo|Rafkoo]] hitching out towards Poznan]]
Hitchhiking spot: bus stop of bus 908. Bus departure from Dworzec Nadodrze station. It cost 3.40 Zl.
Name of the bus station: "''Lekarska''". And this is your spot. You can't walk further. Having a sign is strongly recommended.
[[File:Wroclav-Poznan.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[User:Rafkoo|Rafkoo]] hitching out towards Porznan]]
Use [https://jakdojade.pl/wroclaw/trasa/ website] to find connection to the bus stop.
Hitchhiking spot: lay-by for bus 908. Bus departure from Dworzec Nadodrze station. It cost 3.40 Zl.
Name of the bus station: "''Lekarska''". And this is your spot. You can't walk further. Having a sign is strongly recommended
=== Northwest towards [[Zielona Góra]], [[Szczecin]] {{National Road Number Poland|94}} {{National Road Number Poland|3}} {{E|65}}===
=== Northwest towards [[Zielona Góra]], [[Szczecin]] {{National Road Number Poland|94}} {{National Road Number Poland|3}} {{E|65}}===
Take tram 10 or 20 to Leśnica from the city centre and get of on the last stop (the ride takes about 30 minutes). Then walk west, after the traffic lights there is a bus stop, from which you can hitchhike.
Take tram 10 or 20 to Leśnica from the city centre and get of on the last stop (the ride takes about 30 minutes). Then walk west about 3 km where road 94 joins. Or take bus 938 948 to Żar.
=== South towards [[Kłodzko]], [[Prague]] ([[Czech Republic|CZ]]) {{National Road Number Poland|8}} {{E|67}} ===
=== South towards [[Prague]] ([[Czech Republic|CZ]]) ===
==== Option 1 ====  
==== Option 1: "Bielany Wroclawskie" A4 motorway exit with Orlen petrol station on the spot {{Apl|4}} {{E|40}} -> {{National Road Number Poland|5}} {{E|65}} ====
Take the bus to the village Magnice. This is the place that ring road and old road cross and all the traffic in direction of south has to pass there. This place is even better as it is the bus station straight after the traffic lights, so cars go slower. The bus costs 4,50 Zloty.
It is exactly the same spot as going "West towards Berlin, Dresden" so follow instructions above. You need to enter A4 motorway in direction West and exit it on "Kostomloty" exit towards Lubawka (PL / CZ) border crossing {{National Road Number Poland|5}} (it is about ~30km after entering it). All cars that go west fit you, you just need to ask driver to drop you off at that exit so that you can go {{National Road Number Poland|5}} .
All time tables: [http://www.marcopolo.pl/kobierzyce.html timetables]; (''Rozklad jazdy'' - time table, ''Dni robocze'' - weekdays, ''Soboty'' - Saturdays, ''Niedziele'' - Sundays)
==== Option 2 (via [[Kłodzko]]): Magnice village {{National Road Number Poland|8}} {{E|67}} ====
Take the bus to the village Magnice. There is direct bus number 862 from main train station (Dworzec PKP (Sucha)) and it costs 4,50 zloty but it goes not so often (once per hour) so it is better to check timetable in advance [https://www.marcopolo.pl/transport-miejski-kobierzyce timetables]. Hitchhike on the bus stop that you get off at. This spot is straight after the roundabout, so cars go slowly. All the traffic from A8 motorway towards Kudowa-Zdroj (PL / CZ) border crossing goes through this point.
You could use [http://wroclaw.jakdojade.pl/?locale=en website] to find connection with Magnice.
Use [https://jakdojade.pl/wroclaw/trasa/ website] to find bus connection with Magnice.
These buses go to Magnice: 862 - Main Train Station (Dworzec PKP) -> Wroclaw Krzyki -> Magnice, 872 - Wroclaw Krzyki -> Magnice. Little longer way: 852 - Wroclaw Krzyki -> Magnice, 892 - Wroclaw Krzyki -> Magnice
862 - direct bus from main train station
==== Option 2 ====
Another option is train to Kobierzyce. It takes you to the same route but a little bit further. From "Kobierzyce" train station it is 900m walk to {{National Road Number Poland|8}}.
Take the Auchan bus from inside ''Dworzec PKS'' (the main bus station) to '''''Bielany''''' shopping centre and get off at the last stop. It costs 1,50 Zloty. Walk along the main road which goes above the motorway till you get to the bus stop just after the traffic lights, where you can hitch.
==== Option 3 ====
==== Option 3 (via [[Kłodzko]]): "Wroclawska" street in Bielany Wroclawskie {{National Road Number Poland|8}} {{E|67}} ====
Take Tesco bus from the crossroad of ''Hallera'' and ''Powstańców Sląskich'' or ''Wroclaw EPI'' station (close to main bus station) to shopping center ''Bielany'' ([http://www.bielany.parkhandlowy.pl/~/media/poland/bielany/documents/bielany%20-%20nowy%20rja%20int.ashx timetable]; ). It cost 3 Zloty. When you get there you must go behind the shopping center and get to the bridge which is above the road you're at. The best road to Prague is the one through Kudowa Zdroj and Hradec Kralove becouse all of the trucks are going this way (E67).
==== Warning ====
Go to Bielany Wroclawskie (follow instruction for going east or west from this website). Start hitchhiking on Wroclawska street for example at "Bielany Wr. - MAKRO" bus station.
For this option taking train from Wroclaw main station to "Bielany Wroclawskie" could be convenient.
==== Warning for option 2 and 3 ====
In case of getting a lift which will be crossing going by any other place than Kudowa Zdroj, '''do not''' take it (only if you can drive directly to Prague or Hradec Kralove). All other roads (as Miedzylesie - Mladkovske sedlo) are pretty dead and you might find it very difficult to get a lift in there.
In case of getting a lift which will be crossing going by any other place than Kudowa Zdroj, '''do not''' take it (only if you can drive directly to Prague or Hradec Kralove). All other roads (as Miedzylesie - Mladkovske sedlo) are pretty dead and you might find it very difficult to get a lift in there.
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There are a few different highways that circle around Wroclaw. If your driver isn't travelling directly to Wroclaw, it is unlikely that they will take you to the centre because it is a rather large diversion for them.  
There are a few different highways that circle around Wroclaw. If your driver isn't travelling directly to Wroclaw, it is unlikely that they will take you to the centre because it is a rather large diversion for them.  
If you're driving along the A8, ask the driver to let you out at the airport. From there you can take the airport bus directly to the city centre - it is very cheap.
If you're coming either from Kraków or from Germany along the A4 motorway ask your driver to drop you off at Bielany Orlen petrol station. From there you can take a bus 612 to Wrocław main railway station. The last bus leaves at 22.14 Monday till Sunday and the bus stop is located on Wrocławska Street south of the motorway, next to Hotel Bielany.
If you're going along the A8, ask the driver to let you out at the airport. From there you can take the airport bus directly to the city centre.
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Latest revision as of 09:25, 12 April 2024

<map lat='51.10955772060474' lng='17.043914794921875' zoom='10' view='0' float='right' />
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Flag of Poland
Coat of arms of Lower Silesian (Voivodeship).png
Lower Silesian (Voivodeship)
Population: 632 081
Licence plate: DW
Major roads: A 4, A 8 (under construction)
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Wrocław (pronounced vrots-wahf) is a city in southwestern Poland.

Hitchhiking out

West towards Berlin, Dresden (D) A 4 E 40

"Bielany Wroclawskie" A4 motorway exit with Orlen petrol station on the spot

Use website to find bus connection to "Aleja Bielany".

Then use google maps to walk to Orlen petrol station located on the exit from the motorway.

More detailed description of buses:

133 - get off at either "AUCHAN" or "C.H. Aleja Bielany" (last stop). From "AUCHAN" it is 400m walk, from "C.H. Aleja Bielany" it is 1000m walk.

612, 862, 872, 892 - get off at "Bielany Wr. - MAKRO". From there it is 400m walk.

852, 882, 892A - get off at "Bielany Wr. - Centrum Handlowe" From there it is 900m walk.

Spot / E 40 on Google Street View

East towards Katowice, Kraków A 4 E 40

"Bielany Wroclawskie" A4 motorway exit with Orlen petrol station on the spot

Use website to find bus connection to "Aleja Bielany".

Then use google maps to walk to Orlen petrol station located on the exit from the motorway. It is the same situation as going west towards Germany, you are just on the other side of the motorway.

More detailed description of buses:

133 - get off at either "AUCHAN" or "C.H. Aleja Bielany" (last stop). From there it is 700m walk.

612, 862, 872, 892 - get off at "Bielany Wr. - MAKRO". From there it is 400m walk.

852, 882, 892A - get off at "Bielany Wr. - Centrum Handlowe" From there it is 700m walk.

Spot / E 40 on Google Street View

Note : If you're going past Katowice region (for example to Kraków), but your driver is turning off A4 there, then get off at MOP Rachowice at the outskirts of Gliwice - it's a great spot to find a ride further on. Otherwise you might get stuck in some very bad spot with only local traffic.

Northeast towards Łódź, Warszawa 8 E 67

Option 1: Opposite "Wroclaw Psie Pole" train station

Use website to find the connection with Wroclaw Psie Pole Train Station. Start hitching on the opposite side of the road to the train station. There is bus stop so you can hitchhike there just before the bus stop.

Option 2: "Wroclaw Lotnisko" A8 motorway exit

In the west of the city you can find a roundabout in Graniczna street where it meets with Plaska street, just before the S8. There is a shopping centre nearby. You can stand in the exit of the roundabout with a Warszawa sign. There is just enough place for the cars to stop, and they are going very slow, so they can see you easily.

Option 3: "Wroclaw Polnoc" A8 motorway exit

Use the spot North towards Poznan, Bydgosz from this website.

North towards Poznań, Bydgoszcz 5 E 261

"Wroclaw Polnoc" A8 motorway exit

Rafkoo hitching out towards Poznan

Hitchhiking spot: bus stop of bus 908. Bus departure from Dworzec Nadodrze station. It cost 3.40 Zl. Name of the bus station: "Lekarska". And this is your spot. You can't walk further. Having a sign is strongly recommended.

Use website to find connection to the bus stop.

Northwest towards Zielona Góra, Szczecin 94 3 E 65

Take tram 10 or 20 to Leśnica from the city centre and get of on the last stop (the ride takes about 30 minutes). Then walk west about 3 km where road 94 joins. Or take bus 938 948 to Żar.

South towards Prague (CZ)

Option 1: "Bielany Wroclawskie" A4 motorway exit with Orlen petrol station on the spot A 4 E 40 -> 5 E 65

It is exactly the same spot as going "West towards Berlin, Dresden" so follow instructions above. You need to enter A4 motorway in direction West and exit it on "Kostomloty" exit towards Lubawka (PL / CZ) border crossing 5 (it is about ~30km after entering it). All cars that go west fit you, you just need to ask driver to drop you off at that exit so that you can go 5 .

Option 2 (via Kłodzko): Magnice village 8 E 67

Take the bus to the village Magnice. There is direct bus number 862 from main train station (Dworzec PKP (Sucha)) and it costs 4,50 zloty but it goes not so often (once per hour) so it is better to check timetable in advance timetables. Hitchhike on the bus stop that you get off at. This spot is straight after the roundabout, so cars go slowly. All the traffic from A8 motorway towards Kudowa-Zdroj (PL / CZ) border crossing goes through this point.

Use website to find bus connection with Magnice.

862 - direct bus from main train station

Another option is train to Kobierzyce. It takes you to the same route but a little bit further. From "Kobierzyce" train station it is 900m walk to 8.

Option 3 (via Kłodzko): "Wroclawska" street in Bielany Wroclawskie 8 E 67

Go to Bielany Wroclawskie (follow instruction for going east or west from this website). Start hitchhiking on Wroclawska street for example at "Bielany Wr. - MAKRO" bus station. For this option taking train from Wroclaw main station to "Bielany Wroclawskie" could be convenient.

Warning for option 2 and 3

In case of getting a lift which will be crossing going by any other place than Kudowa Zdroj, do not take it (only if you can drive directly to Prague or Hradec Kralove). All other roads (as Miedzylesie - Mladkovske sedlo) are pretty dead and you might find it very difficult to get a lift in there.

Hitching in

There are a few different highways that circle around Wroclaw. If your driver isn't travelling directly to Wroclaw, it is unlikely that they will take you to the centre because it is a rather large diversion for them.

If you're coming either from Kraków or from Germany along the A4 motorway ask your driver to drop you off at Bielany Orlen petrol station. From there you can take a bus 612 to Wrocław main railway station. The last bus leaves at 22.14 Monday till Sunday and the bus stop is located on Wrocławska Street south of the motorway, next to Hotel Bielany.

If you're going along the A8, ask the driver to let you out at the airport. From there you can take the airport bus directly to the city centre.

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