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434 bytes added, 01:58, 26 December 2023
Personal Experiences
Wow don't things change!!! Managed to hitch from Niseko down to Joetsu in 2 and a half days, retracing my steps. Meals bought for me, received money three times and an onsen experience😁. Didn't wait longer than an hour and average waiting time was 20 mins, that included hitching in dark and moderate snow with ski equipment. Finally a truck stopped for me, but wasn't going my direction. From Joetsu I hitched to Osaka on the same day (9 hours and 4 lifts) and offered lift direct to airport. Waited at service stations on expressway for 15mins average, no police showed up...relief. No public transport was used on return leg to Osaka from Niseko, except for ferry.No signs were used after Niseko, for whole trip signs were not used 95% of time, just the thumb. I only know three words in Japanese and hitched all over country twice with no problems. I used convenience stores, expressway service stations, expressway on-ramp/entrances, petrol stations and bus stops to hitch as well as shoulder lanes (not many) and never asked for a lift, just left it to the good ol' thumb😁
I used manga cafe when in towns as they are cheap and do good night rates (1800 Yen for 8 hours in a cubicle where you can lie down, use internet, free shower and free soft drinks). Brought back memories of 2016 trip 😁. Camped out in some towns behind buildings in quiet areas, even when snowing, with no problems.

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