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Template:Brocéliande Forest, also called Forêt de Paimpont is the biggest forest massif in Brittany (France).

The original name is the Forest of Paimpont, from a small city near the forest. Its name Brocéliande came from the attribution of the forest in the legends of King Arthur to this forest. The forest is full of legends. You should not walk carelessly in because the fairies will have an eye on you. Be careful where you walk because it is said that a knot between the roots of two trees can bring you to the Annwn, the other world. The world of the dead and the fairies, the world of magic.

On a more pragmatic note, the forest of Brocéliande, even as a quite remote area, is easily hitchable. It is better to have a sign because it will encourage the people to give you a lift if you're not going to far, or get you closer to your destination.

Accommodation and Sleep

There are quite a lot of youth hostels and other places to sleep, even though some are quite expensive. User: QueerAmann spent five days in the forest with a tent they planted in the forest.

Other useful info

If you plant your tent in the forest, I would suggest not doing so near Paimpont in the summer as there are gamekeepers who could call the police on you if they discover you.

If you are near Beignon there is a police and military school in the area, so be careful on whan you say to people around you, and if you are in the Aff valley, you will very likely hear gunshots from the training center.

There are many places in the area where you won't have any network, so you can't always count on your phone. A compass won't work in most of the places because the forest is surrounded by irion-rich schist that will attract the magnet of your compass.

IMPORTANT: NEVER EVER, and I can't emphasise it enough, NEVER leave the paths. If you want a place to hide your tent, be sure that you can find the path again on the morning. There are regularly some reports of people who were lost in the forest, especially in the places where neither phones nor compasses work.