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5,434 bytes added, 00:01, 16 April 2023
Public transport: Updated ticket prices
|BW = DE/Land%20Berlin/Berlin
'''Berlin''' is the capital of [[Germany]].
== Public transport ==
Despite its size and unless going from one edge of an outer suburb to one on the opposite side of the city, going from one point to another within Berlin seldom takes more than one hour. Use [] to find out how to get from one location to another within Berlin and also the surrounding state of [[Brandenburg]]. Berlin operates on a fairly simple tariff zone system: Zone A is anywhere within the suburban train ring (''Ringbahn'' / S-Bahn lines S41 and S42), zone B from the ring to the administrative borders of the city, and zone C is a defined area of Brandenburg in proximity to the city (somewhat confined by the terminal stops of the S-Bahn).
As of April 2023, the current prices for a single adult, one-way ticket are: €3.20 (tariff zones AB), €3.80 (tariff zones BC) and €4.00 (tariff zones ABC). There is a plethora of concession, daily, group and other discounted tickets too, check the VBB or [ BVG] website for more information.
== Hitchhiking out ==
=== Northwest towards [[Hamburg]], [[Rostock]] and [[Scandinavia]] {{Autobahn|24}} ===
For hitchhiking to Hamburg prepare a cardboard sign with "HH" written on it, which is the license plate sign for cars from Hamburg and understood widely. "HRO" stands for Rostock by the way.
==== Option 1: Kurt-Schumacher-Damm ====If you want to hitchhike towards [[Hamburg]] or [[Schwerin]] on the A24 it is the best to go with the Take subway line U6 towards ''direction Alt-Tegel'' and get off at ''Kurt-Schumacher-Platz'' and then . Then walk ≈500 m south along Kurt-Schumacher-Damm to the start walking towards of the motorwayAutobahn. About Alternatively, about 2 minutes away from the U-Bahn subway station there is a ''Jet'' petrol station. You can either ask the drivers who stop there or stand at the road right before it. (Update January 2009: Spot is open again!)* [[User:MaxHermens]] says: It's best to ask drivers if they are going on the motorway, and if so, if they can take you to the above mentioned Stolperheide. Then you can avoid the long walk and start hitching straight away.
==== Rasthof Stolper Heide ====The hitchhiking-spot in Henningsdorf '''Rasthof Stolper Heide''' ([ map]) is the best option to reach [[Hamburg]], [[Rostock]] or [[Scandinavia]]. You are going to can have to go on a 2 km walk free breakfast or dinner before you start in total. Get the train to S-Bahn station ''Heiligensee'' (S25 towards Henningsdorf, EUR 2.60 ticket), walk down Ruppiner Chaussee northwards (left when coming out of the station about 300 meters and turn right on an asphalt walking path Sikh temple (− there's a sign saying "Berliner Mauerweg"gurdwara). Follow the path for 10-15 minutes. Cross the bridge over the motorway and turn immediately left down the little path - you can stay close to the motorway in order not to lose it and quickly you will see a pathway that you can follow to this Rasthof. There is a small fence to 10 minute walk from the left of the path which you have to jump petrol station at some point before you reach the station. The easiest place is probably to the right a green fenced inclosure about half way to the service station. You can easily get a direct ride to [[Hamburg]] from here, and with a little patience to Rostock. If you want to catch a certain boat in Rostock or have other basic time constraints, please note that getting to this spot from somewhere like Kreuzberg och Friedrichshain in the centre of Berlin can take two hours or even longerKögelstraße 6.
A (maybe not so good) very close-by spot that saves you the ==== Option 2 km walk: Get off one station earlier, ''Schulzendorf'' (S25 towards Henningsdorf, EUR 2.60 ticket). Get out from the front of the train, and out of the station, follow Ruppiner Chaussee north, and take the first right (Schulzendorfer Straße). And there you are, on the motorway access ramp, 5 min walk from the station. However, at this spot the access ramp is quite narrow, and there is not a good place for cars to stop safely. There is also a curve in the road, and cars are traveling quickly, so this spot might be dangerous for you and the drivers. You can take ''any'' ride. If the car doesn't go your way, he can drop you off at the petrol station "Rasthof Stolper Heide" mentioned above, some kilometers up the road.Prenzlauer Promenade ====
==== Prenzlauer Promenade ====The street '''Prenzlauer Promenade''' is called ''Prenzlauer Allee'' in the city centre and becomes the Autobahn A114 next to the ''S-Bahn'' station ''Pankow-Heinersdorf''. From there, just walk 500m 500 m down the bridge and you've got a traffic-light as well as two petrol stations(Star and HEM). Additionally, both on at the right side for last intersection before the drivers going towards Autobahn starts, there's another petrol station (Shell) on ''Rothenbachstraße'' next to the Autobahntraffic lights. It may be worth walking to checking out which of these three is the second petrol station as it's cheaper cheapest and more most frequentedone on a given day – usually one of the two former. However, it might happen Be aware that the staff at this second (the Shell) station might tell you to leave their property and threaten you to call the police.
You can There is usually a lot of traffic on this road, so you could also wait opposite of hitch with a sign. Coming from ''McDPankow-Heinersdorf's'' for a lift. Sometimes you will meet other hitchhikers here, too. If someone offers a lift "only" to a gas 50 m before the first petrol station on the motorway ("Linumer Bruch" for instance) take it, since from there is also a motorway gas station it is very easy shoulder where cars can stop and people waiting at the traffic lights are able to get another liftsee you.
=== North East Much of the traffic here is local, but there is also significant traffic towards [[Szczecin]], [[Gdańsk|Gdansk]] Hamburg and Rostock. Try to get a lift to at least the first petrol station on the Autobahn (Danzig"Linumer Bruch") {{Autobahn|11}} ===.
==== Berliner Allee Option 3: Raststätte Stolper Heide ====Borough Pankow, part Weißensee: Take the tram M4 to ''Berliner Allee/Indira-Gandhi-Str.'' which can be caught at Alexanderplatz. Then walk along the ''Berliner Allee'' just around the half circle of the road and find a decent place where cars can pull over. Many cars at this intersection have Polish License and are heading North East, some as far as Gdansk. Use a sign with the city ''[[Szczecin]]'' and surely a Polish driver will stop, though be prepared to mix your languages and refer to cities by there Polish names. Check the map for the street view.
You can also continue about 1 km further ahead from This Raststätte is ideal in the stop ''Berliner Allee/Indira-Gandhi-Str.'', sense that you end up starting to the place just before where ''Darßer Str''. passes above ''Berliner allee''. I found this place to be much better. There's hitchhike directly from a petrol station in which there are a long straight road where fair few people don't drive too fast and where thereheading to the big cities in Germany's North or Scandinavia: You can easily get a couple of pockets for cars direct ride to stopHamburg from here, there's less local traffic and , with a higher concentration of relevant traffic (Poleslittle patience, to be blunt)Rostock. If you want to catch a certain ferry in Rostock or have other basic time constraints, please note that getting to this spot from the centre of Berlin may take two hours or even longer; Option 1 is likely faster and it's much nicer to stand here. I waited around 40 minutes until a truck driver stoppedmay work just as well.
==== On Ramp '''If you start from any district in West Berlin-Weißensee ====First ''', take the S-Bahn S25 towards ''Hennigsdorf'' and get off at ''Heiligensee'' (line S2AB or BC ticket required) . Turn left from e.g. Friedrichstr. or Gesundbrunnen and go to "Buch" the station (from Friedrichstr., so that will be an about 24 min train rideyou face North), and walk up ''Ruppiner Chaussee'' for 300 m. From Then turn right on an asphalt walking path (there, catch 's a bus that goes to sign saying "Schwanebeck, DorfBerliner Mauerweg" (ca. 10 min). Several buses will go there so check Follow the time table there or ask the driver or someone elsepath for 1. Note that you will need a ticket including Zone C2 km, as Schwanebeck is located outside of crossing the bridge over the border of BerlinAutobahn. Next, Immediately turn left down a little path – you'll have can stay close to walk the main road of the village into southern direction. It's about 1.2 km Autobahn in order not to the on ramp; before that there is lose it and you will quickly see a petrol station where one can already ask drivers. You'll need the on ramp towards eastern direction, pathway that means coming from Schwanebeck, you have can follow to pass the first on ramp which leads towards western directionRaststätte. There, standing behind the safety is a small fence, you are visible to all drivers who queue up at the traffic light from both sides. It is not very easy for drivers to stop by but just before the actual on ramp cars can pull over, as they are not on full speed and a little firm area off left of the road allows to stop. On your sign path which you should write "A11" as it's not the on ramp for the A11 straight away, but rather have to the "Berliner Ring" (A10)jump at some point; the A11 goes off the A10 about a kilometer after this on ramp. If your driver easiest place is not going probably to your destination but follows the A11 for right of a while, ask green fenced enclosure about half way to be dropped off at service station "Buckowsee", which is located some 35 km after the A11 beginsRaststätte. This service station The walk from the bridge is the only one on All and afterwards on A20 (leading towards Stralsund or Rügen) but a very busy oneabout 1. From here you should try to find your final ride5 km.
* Update'''If you start from any district in East Berlin''', a faster way than the one described above is taking S-Bahn S8, get off at ''Hohen Neuendorf'' (ABC or BC ticket required), change to bus 809 (direction: Due to reconstructions ''Hennigsdorf, F.-Wolf-Str.'') and get off at ''Stolpe (OHV), Autobahnbrücke''. Head for the traffic light and turn onto the road on the right (the one opposite of the motorway on -ramp that finished ), and follow it until it makes a left turn; here, enter the forest and keep walking in 2013 parallel to the situation looks different. There is hardly a spot for drivers Autobahn, which will take you straight to stop and the cars are going quite fast. Berliner Allee might be the easier optionRaststätte's on-ramp for vehicles heading North.
=== South towards [[Leipzig]] {{AutobahnFile:Hitch ber north stolper heide 2023.png|200px|thumb|right|9}} and West towards [[Magdeburg]], [[HannoverHow to walk from Frohnau station to Raststätte Stolper Heide]] {{Autobahn|2}} ===
==== Rasthof Michendorf ====* If you for some reason don't have or want to get a ticket including tariff zone C, you may also take S-Bahn S1 (direction: ''Oranienburg''This one also works for South or East!) to ''Frohnau'' Just 30 minutes by . Getting off there, head to ''RegionalbahnLudolfingerplatz'' (train) south , a small green square surrounded by a roundabout immediately west of Berlin. This is the most direct option. You easily get hitches to station, and start walking along ''Maximiliankorso'', the south or west as well as to first road branching off on the east ([[Poland]]). Take a train (e.g. RE7 to [[Dessau]], check [] for route information) from the center (ABC 3.10 EUR)right. Get off at Keep walking until the train station small intersection with ''MichendorfHainbuchenstraße''. Leave the station at the left side (in direction of there's a bus stop with the trainsame name). Turn right into , and walk over the Potsdamer Straßeroad with this name, following it until its very end: It makes a sharp bend at the bus stop, and walk for 20 minutes straight end of a cemetary (on it. To go west or south ([[Magdeburg]], [[Hannover]] or [[Leipzig]], [[Munich]]your right) turn right into Feldstraße and follow it till a forest in front of you see the [[rest area|service station]]. Enter via the green emergency doorforest, walk until a path branches off to your right and turn there. Alternatively At the end of the branch, you can get here by bus 643 or 608 from [[Potsdam]] Hbf should see a golf course. Turn left and just keep walking straight now, which also passes will take you to the train station in MichendorfRaststätte's fence. This route is about 3. Get off at "Michendorf Abzweig Wildenbruch", 64 km long and walk south west for the final stretch to the service stationwill take roughly an hour.
==== For [[Scandinavia]] bound hitchhikers ==== ''' Direction Denmark''': The ferries leave 15 km north of Rostock at Warnemünde and from [[Puttgarden]], from Berlin generally people head for the ferry at [[Rostock]] but it leaves more seldom, and if you are offered the right ride you could go to the [[Puttgarden]] one instead, which is a good option especially if you are only transitting through [[Denmark]] to [[Sweden]] seeing as on the Rostock - Gedser ferry there is very little Sweden bound traffic.''' Direction [[Puttgarden]]''': From Berlin is possible if you are offered a ride to''' Direction Hamburg-Stillhorn''': If you want can get a ride to go east this gas station you can walk under the highway and hitchhike the other direction towards [[PolandLübeck]] - however, only people living in the southern part of the city are likely to pass by here.''' Direction Lübeck''': It is possible to accept a ride either to Lübeck or to the Neustadt gas station just north of the city (but that is more rare). In case you can get dropped off at the onramp leading out of central Lübeck in direction Neustadt, wait for a ride that will take you at least to the gas station 10 km north.'''Direction [[Århus]]''': You can also accept a ride towards [[Flensburg]] and some hitchhikers have even been known to accept such rides and then going to [[Copenhagen]] through Kolding and [[DresdenOdense]] turn right after . Also it is possible to reach both South western [[Norway]] with the tunnel ferries from [[Hirtshals]] (Hitchable??) and [[Göteborg]], [[Sweden]] with the ferry from [[Fredrikstad]].'''Direction Sweden''': You can also head for one of the direct ferries to [[Trelleborg]], leaving from either [[Rostock]] or Travemünde near [[Lübeck]]. The ferry from Sassnitz on Rügen has been discontinued. '''Stockholm''' has a direct night ferry from Rostock 3 times a week running since autumn 2021. Currently they charge per vehicle and passengers so you couldn't join a crew, but passenger tickets go for 28€ so might still be worth it. === Northeast towards [[Szczecin]], [[Gdańsk|Gdansk]] (Danzig) {{Autobahn|11}} === Getting onto the A11 is easiest by starting to hitch on road B2, a major thoroughfare which somewhat bisects the city from the Southwest to the Northeast; the B2 merges into the A11 beyond the motorway junction with the A10. The following options suggest different spots along the B2, option 1 being the closest/shortest one when coming from the city centre and option 4 being the one furthest away/taking the longest time respectively. ==== Option 1: Berliner Allee ==== Take tram M4 (direction: ''Hohenschönhausen, Zingster Str.'') to ''Weißer See'', get off there and walk 150 m along ''Berliner Allee'' to the bus lay-by, following the same direction. Many cars at this intersection have Polish license plates and are heading northeast, some as far as Gdansk. Using a Szczecin sign will surely persuade a Polish driver to stop, though be prepared to mix your languages and refer to cities by their Polish names. ==== Option 2: Darßer Brücke ==== Get to ''Weißer See'' as described in option 1 and walk 1 km north along ''Berliner Allee'' (the street name changing to ''Malchower Chaussee'' roughly at where the Star petrol station is) to the place just before where ''Darßer Straße'' passes over ''Malchower Chaussee''. It's a long, straight road where people don't drive too fast and where there are a couple of pockets for cars to stop. There's less local traffic and a higher concentration of relevant traffic. If you have a small sandy track through public transport ticket anyway, check online if it's worth waiting to get to the bus stop ''Nüßlerstr./Feldtmannstr.'' (bus lines 255 and 259) to save yourself most of the walking. ==== Option 3: Am Luchgraben ==== The most cost-effective – though not fastest – option might be taking bus line 259 to the stop ''Am Luchgraben'', which is conveniently located a few metres before the city border, meaning you're still within tariff zone B. There's a patch of dirt/concrete right next to the crossed-out Berlin sign (indicating that one is leaving the city limits) where people can easily stop; many, if not the majority of cars passing here will be going to Northwestern Poland. ==== Option 4: Autobahn Junction Berlin-Weißensee ==== Take S-Bahn S2 (direction: ''Bernau'') and get off at ''Buch''. From there, catch a woodbus that goes to ''Schwanebeck, Dorf'' (approx. 10 min). Follow Several buses will go there so check the time table there or ask the driver or someone else. Note that you will need a ticket including tariff zone C, as Schwanebeck is located outside of the border of Berlin. Next, you'll have to walk the main road of the village into southern direction. It's about 1.2 km to the on-ramp; before that there is a petrol station where one can already ask drivers. You'll need the on-ramp towards the East, that means coming from Schwanebeck, you have to pass by the first on-ramp which leads towards the West. There, standing behind the track until safety fence, you are visible to all drivers who queue up at the traffic light from both sides. It is not very easy for drivers to stop by but just before the actual on ramp cars can pull over, as they are not on full speed and a little firm area off the road allows to stop. On your sign you should write "A11" as it's not the actual on-ramp for the A11, but rather to the "Berliner Ring" (A10); the A11 branches off the A10 about a kilometre after this on-ramp. If your driver is not going to your destination but follows the A11 for a while, ask to be dropped off at Raststätte "Buckowsee", which is located some 35 km after the hamburger restaurant A11 begins. This Raststätte is the only one on the A11 and afterwards on A20 (leading towards [[Stralsund]] or [[Rügen]]), but a very busy one. From here you should try to find your final ride. === South towards [[Leipzig]], [[Munich]] {{Autobahn|9}} and West towards [[Magdeburg]], [[Hannover]] {{Autobahn|2}} === ==== Option 1: Raststätte Grunewald ==== Take S-Bahn S7 (direction: ''Potsdam Hbf''), or S1 (direction: ''Wannsee''), and get out at ''Nikolassee''. Walk out of the train station, cross the bridge and you'll see the [[rest areapetrol station hitchhiking|petrol station]]to the right. The You can talk to drivers at the petrol station or on the parking lot. This spot is both faster and cheaper to get to than option 2: Michendorf. You will need 25 minutes from Hauptbahnhof (Berlin Main Station) on an AB ticket, compared to ~1 hour (including the walk) on an ABC ticket to Michendorf. There is a lot of long distance traffic heading south and west, with high chances of finding a ride for at least several hundred kilometres. However, it is '''not''' a good spot to hitch East. If you find nobody heading in your direction, you can also get a short lift until Michendorf and try your luck there, but this is after usually not necessary. ==== Option 2: Raststätte Michendorf ==== According to the experiences of several hitchhikers, this is a good spot to go East – but '''not''' West or South. Take regional train RE7 (direction: ''Dessau'') from Berlin's centre or RB37 (direction: ''Beelitz Stadt'') from ''Berlin-Wannsee'' station and get off at ''Michendorf'' (ABC/BC ticket required). Leave the station at the left side (in direction of the train). Turn right into ''Potsdamer Straße'' and walk south 1.3 km. Turn right into ''Feldstraße'' and follow it until you see the [[rest area|Raststätte]]. Enter via the green emergency door or walk a bit further to the restaurant , as the noise protection wall ends there. ''User [[User:Rebew|Rebew]] and seems to be better for getting a friend tried hitchhiking from here on several occasions and had no luck going anywhere West. There is not a lot of traffic and it will yield only short rides, Leipzig at most (2021).''
[[File:IMG 5392.JPG|thumb|250px|right|[[Tiziano]] hitching from Berlin to [[Munich]]]]
==== Raststätte Grunewald Option 3: AVUS / Messedamm access lane ====For going South or West you can try A good spot to stand with a sign is at the access lane onto the A115 (AVUS) from '''Raststätte Grunewald'Messedamm''. Take The access lane is a part of the ''S-BahnFunkturm'' train junction which connects the A115 and A100. The exact place to stand is at the acceleration lane of the road connecting the ''S7Messedamm'' towards with the A115 in a U-turn around a quiet parking area at ''PotsdamMessedamm'' or . From S-Bahn station ''S1Westkreuz'' towards , walk north along ''WannseeHalenseestraße'' , and get out cross the road at the big intersection onto ''NikolasseeMessedamm''. After 100 meters, there is the quiet parking area at your left hand side. Walk out of across the carpark. To reach the place to hitch from, climb the traffic barrier between the carpark and the acceleration lane: [ This] is the exact location. Hitchhiking is prohibited here as the location is behind the Autobahn sign, but the train risk is worth it. From S-Bahn station''Messe Nord/ICC'' it is slightly further, but easier to find. Walk to ''Messedamm'', cross follow it south and at the bridge and next intersection turn right, then you'll see find the quiet parking area after 100 meters on your left hand side. === South towards [[petrol station hitchhiking|petrol stationDresden]] and [[Cottbus]] right {{Autobahn|13}} === Firest rest stop once out of Berlin is 25 km away Raststätte Am Kahlberg Ost on highway 13 ==== Option 1: B96a Altglienicke ==== Take S-Bahn S9 or S45 to ''Altglienicke''. When getting off, you'll see there is a road that runs parallel on your left-hand side to the S-Bahn line (if youare facing south), and a red light. Also standing To get there, leave the platform by using the footbridge and turning right at the traffic lights before staircase (walk over the road running parallel). On the right side, There will be a pathway that goes down to the road - it's a little windy path that will eventually take you there. You will come to the road that runs parallel to the [[S-Bahn track (over which you just walked) and on-ramp]] seems that road is the red light that does not seem to have any shoulder space. But do not be useful! Get a lift confused. This is the BEST PLACE to stand and get an immediate ride. Cross the road to stand at least the red light on the SBahn Track side. You can ask cars every time they stop for the red light. The red light is 100 m before the right hand onramp of the Autobahn going to ''Michendorf''Cottbus or Dresden.  ==== Option 2: A100 Autobahn junction Tempelhof ==== Take U-Bahn U6 or S-Bahn S41, S42, S45, S46, or S47 to Tempelhof. Turn right (south) along Tempelhofer Damm for 200 m to the A100 junction==== Option 3: B96a Schöneweide ====
There are often other hitchhikers here early, and it is polite to queue behind them[[File:Berlin-schoeneweide. Get here early jpg|thumb|right|230px|Hitchhikers next to avoid the competitionRaststätte in Schöneweide.]]
The construction works going on in the second half of 2012 are now (April 2013) overTake S-Bahn S8, S9, S41, S42, S45, S4, S47, or S85 to ''Schöneweide''. The onramp is open again and there is plenty Then walk east out of traffic toward the Berliner Ringstation, turn right onto Michael-Brückner-Straße and after 300 m, you'll find two petrol stations.Most people stops on second
==== AVUS / Messedamm access lane Option 4: A100 Auffahrt Siemensdamm ====A good spot to stand with a sign is at the access lane onto the A115 (AVUS) from Messedamm. The access lane is a part of the Funkturm junction which connects the A115 and A100. The exact place to stand is at the acceleration lane of the road connecting the Messedam with the A115 in a U-turn around a quiet parking area at the Messedamm. From S-bahnhof Westkreutz walk north along the Halenseestrasse, and at the big crossing cross the road onto the Messedam. After 100 meters on the Messedam there is the quiet parking at your left hand side. Walk across the parking. To reach the place to stand, climb the traffic barrier between the parking and the acceleration lane. [ This] is the exact location . Hitchhiking is prohibited here as the location is behind the motorway sign, but the risk is worth it. From S-bahnhof Messe Nord it is slightly further, but easier to find. Walk to the Messedamm, follow it south and at the next crossing turn right, then you find the quiet parking after 100 meters on your left hand side.
==== Trampstelle [[Potsdam]] ====There Get to station "U Siemensdamm" and directly in front of the junction "Siemensdamm" (at least towards south) there is a local campaign for an official hitchhiking spot in Potsdamcrossing of the streets "Siemensdamm" and "Nikolaus-Groß-Weg" with traffic lights. Moving away from the motorway there is a long line of parking spots, they perfect to getting picked up. I've made the experience that directly at the traffic lights it's hard but a petition and won bit further it :)The hitchhiking can work. It is probably a great spot is planned now towards AVUS and will be established soonnorth as well.
==== Aral at Kaiserdamm Option 5: Test option ====Another option is the ''Aral'' petrol station at '''Kaiserdamm''' near the central bus station. Take U2 to ''Kaiserdamm'' (if you come from direction ''Zoo'') and go out in the driving direction. Leave the station on the left exit. After 50m there's the petrol station. It depends on the day, sometimes it's very easy to get away there, sometimes it's harder.
=== South towards [[Dresden]] {{Autobahn|13}} and East towards [[Frankfurt an der Oder|Frankfurt Waldeck West rest stop road 117 next to bus 263 stop Waltersdorf (Oderbei Berlin)]], [[Poland]] {{Autobahn|12}} ===Gaspumpstation. 5 km walk away from Eichwalde s-bahn stop S8 and S46 goes there
If you are going further than Dresden (e.g. [[Czech Republic]]) on the A13, also take a look on the [[Dresden]] page.
'''You may also try [[Berlin#Rasthof Michendorf|Rasthof Michendorf]]''' for getting lifts east or southeast.
''There === East towards [[Poland]] {{Autobahn|10}} {{E|30}} === If you are hitching in the direction of [[Wroclaw]], [[Katowice]] or [[Krakow]], you might find the route-page from [[:Category:Route_Berlin_-_Kraków|Berlin to Kraków]] useful. Once you get a ride in Germany direction to Poland few ways you can hitchhike before or after places where people pay for higway (polish name bramki). One side will have a parking place and its free to hitchike there. ==== Option 1: Raststätte Michendorf / least walking ==== Take a regional train (e.g. RE7 direction Dessau, check for route information) from the centre and get off at Michendorf (requires BC/ABC ticket). Leave the station at the left side (in direction of entering the upper mentioned motorwaystrain). Turn right into the Potsdamer Straße and walk south ≈1.7 km on Potsdamer Straße until it ends (it bends right and is called An der Autobahn then). Keep walking straight ahead on a footpath and cross the tunnel under the Autobahn A10. After the tunnel, turn right on a sandy path through the forest. Follow the track until you are at the Mcdonalds at the [rest area. The petrol station is after the restaurant and seems to be better for getting rides. Your best bet is to either ask truckers (although they might not know English) or stand by the exit with a sign that says "Polska".  Alternative:Take bus 643 from ''Potsdam Hbf'', direction Busendorf, and get off at ''Michendorf, Bergheide''. Walk back 40 m in the direction the bus came from to the junction. There will be a small road going to the left, through the forest. Follow this road for ≈1 km to the Mcdonalds/Raststätte. ==== E30 highroad Option 2: Raststätte Am Fichtenplan ==== '''S-Bahn + 1 stop with train + 5 km walking'''
[[File:Berlinout.jpg|thumb|alt=E30 ''[[E30]]''.]]
Take S-bahn S2 to the metro to end station ''Blankenfelde-Mahlow and from ''. From there , take any regional train one stop to next station ''Dahlewitz''. At Turn right from the station there is Netto shop, take a look what is in the rubbish behind the shop. Walk 4km and walk southeast ≈4 km along the road Bahnhofstrasse/L40 till autobahn E30 until you cross over the Autobahn A10/E30 bridge go downstairs . Head down to the autobahn Autobahn and go 1km in Poland direction till walk 1 km east to the big Aral petrol station. In petrol station there are many cars and trucksWalking on the Autobahn is illegal, it’s in both sides so if you want to avoid the risk of getting caught, continue walking straight on the L40 after crossing the bridge for 1.6 km. There will be a small roadon the left heading to the Autobahn. Walk north 850 m along this road until the start of the bridge over the Autobahn. Together Climb down to the field and walk east 300 m, parallel with the Autobahn, until you reach the Raststätte. (There is a fence to with holes in it before/next to Raststätte). See the map on the right. You need to walk 5km5 to 6 km, but the place is very good!
'''S-Bahn + 2 stops with train + 5 km walking'''
==== Hönow / Seeberg West ====[This place might require more testing].Go with U5 Take S-bahn S2 to the end station Hönow''Blankenfelde''. From there, than you have about 3km west take any regional train 2 stops to walk to A10 (used for going around Berlin when heading west)''Rangsdorf''. Walk the Kienitzer Str until the crossing with L40 road.On your way you have McD Continue walking 500 metres and lots of space for nice camping (also lakes) - this is not Berlin, it's Brandenburgturn left on the gravel road. [;)] At You will hear the ramp you can ask people that will stop, for highway and see a ride to a gas station which is 500m further down on a motorwayrest area through the bushes.
The ramp itself is not super great as there is no sidespace, and you Can someone confirm that Kienitzer Dorfstrase almost all lenght have bicycle path next to stay just at the fence, but enough width for two automobiles. Cars dont go fast as there are traffic lights before the turn. 10 minutes waiting time to get to the station can be expected. It seems like at the station there are more drivers that go in a Dresden direction, but finding people willing to take you to Poland is also
It is possible (and worth checking) that there is a direct way to Seeber West gas station. Probably from the side of Neuenhagen town. It has been observed (2014) that the station has an open gate in a back fence that goes into greenery (trees and shrubs - no clear path but walkable).'''Train + bus with one C zone ticket'''
==== [[Airport]] Berlin-Schönefeld ====It's possible to hitchhike at the on-ramp next to the airport ''(Flughafen) Berlin-Schönefeld''File:Hitch_ber_pl_fichtenplan_2020. You can reach the airport with S-Bahn S9 and some [[Deutsche Bahnpng|200px|thumb|right|DB]] trains. You can not only find lifts mostly towards Dresden or Poland. It's probably the best spot within reach by S and U-Bahn to hitchhike How to Poland. Stand right before the ramp with a 'PL' sign. The ramp is pretty small, but you can walk up some 15-20m behind the ''Autobahn'' sign so people can from bus stop along the side of the road safely. Watch the speed of cars coming from the right hidden corner onto the ramp, it's a tricky on-ramp, can be dangerous so hitch carefully here.Am Weidendamm to Raststätte Am Fichtenplan]]
'''A)''' From train stop ''S Blankenfelde'' catch bus 792, check [https:One hitchhiker waited here for 6 hours without success//] in advance to find out about the departure times. Have If you’ve bought a look ticket including tariff zone C to get to ''Blankenfelde'', it’ll also cover the bus fare. When looking for the bus at ''Blankenfelde'' station, the displayed direction doesn’t matter as this is the [[Talk:Berlin|discussion page]]initial/final stop of this line.
==== Tempelhof ====(Update: At Once you’re on the bus, get off at ''Am Weidendamm'', the surrounding area being a busy traveling time, ebusiness park.g. Friday afternoonWalk towards the Northeast, there’s a crane business on the right hand side that you’ll spot from afar. The main road makes a left turn to enter the Autobahn A100 from B96 Tempelhofer Damm near S-Bahnhof Tempelhof under the S-Bahn bridge (googlemapshere, and a dead end road branches off: 52.469536,13.385558) The latter is highly recommended. You will stand with a Dresden or A13 sign on the pedestrian space where one you can speak with some of have to take, the left-bound drivers directlycrane business coming closer and closer. They could even stop before A dirt road starts at the concrete square at the Autobahn beginsend of this road, but it's better to get in immediately. Wait for DD number platesand passes the crane business site, CB (Cottbus) come less often, but might also be useful. Not a thing to do in the night. One fence of ten DD cars would probably take you. Waiting time: one hour, but then you have a functioning rideit being on your right.)
Maybe Tempelhof used Now proceed to be a good place the field, pass the trench and turn left. If you’ve got the right shoes/boots, you may also head across the field diagonally to hitch hike in your left from where you crossed the past but now trench. If you haven’t seen it seems impossible to catch from the trench, you’ll soon notice a ride there - there is simply no space for a car to stop low causeway ahead of you (if you walked across the field) or we failed to find a spot which I doubt because we searched on your left (if you followed the whole neighbourhoodfield’s edge). If you still You’ll want to test be on the causeway, which in fact had a railway line on it yourself here is how to get there:many decades ago.
The [[airport]] is easy to reach with S-Bahn and U-Bahn. Once there simply follow on the sign towards Dresden causeway, turn right (A100South)and simply follow it. There are two red lightsYou’ll soon be on a forest road near the motorway, for people coming from north and south, so they have time to likely also see youa bridge as well as the Raststätte already. You should ask for A113 or A13, or simply if they are going in Cross the way to Ikeabridge, turn immediately left and get dropped on enter the petrol station before the big mall (before Waltersdorf, check map also). Bus #263 from S-Bahn station Grünau also goes to/near this petrol stationrest area. '''Please read the discussion page'''!
'''B)''' From the 96a road eastern Berlin, go to ''S Königs Wusterhausen'', catch bus 730 to ''Brusendorf, Kreuzung'' (not that much in use after opening the A11315 min ride with same C zone ticket):''and walk Wilhelm-Pieck-Strase 100 metres and turn left on gravel road. You will see rest stop from there
==== Schöneweide Option 3: Raststätte Seeberg West====[[File:Berlin-schoeneweide.jpg|thumb|right|230px|Hitchhikers next to the service station in Schöneweide.]]Take a train to the S-Bahn station ''Schöneweide'', get out there and walk out of the station East, turn right on Michael-Brückner Straße and after 300 meter you'll find two big [[rest area|service stations]] − although the is far away these are mostly the last possibilities for cars to get petrol. The place was once crowded with hitchhikers but is normally empty now and works fine! Locals tend to stop at the second petrol station because it's usually cheaper. Also, behind this petrol station is a Burger King "Restaurant". If you choose your spot well, you can show a sign both to cars on the street who could stop at the Burger King entrance (but often drive too fast though) and to people leaving the second petrol station or entering Burger King.
===== Opinions: =====* However the attendants at the service station will ask you to look for your ride elsewhere and may even call the police. The road leading to the is a no stopping zone, so the best solution is to stand near the Burger King, where a driver can pull in. There is no better spot further up the road toward the . * 2008-08-24: I used this petrol stations quite often and never had problems. What the hell did you do? -[[UserFile:atopiaHitch_ber pl seeberg west.png|Ben]]* I tried both the petrol station and by using a sign 200px|thumb|right|How to stop cars walk from the street. First of all most people weren't traveling to Dresden and even if they were they were very hesitant to give you a ride if you ask them. For all the time I spent there, two other hitchhikers came and they also had no luck. I eventually gave up and had to pay for the bus. I'm not sure if that's a good spot.* as of August 2010 I consider this the best spot for hitching to Dresden. Living in Dresden and going to Berlin for weekend-trips quite often it worked fine for me as well as for others visiting from Berlin. The catch might be it was almost always Sunday afternoons though. So if you take that into account you should be fine getting a lift to Dresden from Schöneweide, given the number of people returning to Dresden for the start of the week. Both standing by the side of the road with a sign as well as asking people at the petrol station turned out well for me.* We hitch hiked at the petrol Hönow station by asking people. (the second, the first was rather empty). Most of the people who get fuel over there stay local or are kind of rude. Using a sign we got a hitch after 20 minutes to Dresden.* Sept 2011 - we got a ride after about 30 minutes by standing at the exit to the second petrol station. There was another hitch hiker standing at the entrance and we got picked up before him. Recommended to stay at the exit with a sign and smile.July 2012. Monday morning and I'm standing a little after both petrol stations just outside the Burger King. Traffic from the road, both stations and sometimes coming out of the 'restaurant'. I was picked up in half an hour with a ride all the way to Dresden. A Romanian guy heading to Poland caught a ride just before me. Great place to hitch. LookingforStuSeeberg West]]
==== Altglienicke ====This The cheapest, though probably not fastest option to reach ''Raststätte Seeberg West'', is a much better place to hitch towards Dresden/Prague than Schöneweide in my opinion! In Schöneweide I waited one hour and more, in Altglienicke max. 15 minutes! Some drivers also told me they say hitchhikers in Schöneweide but didn't take them because it was difficult for them subway line U5 to stop there. In Altglienicke itits eastern terminus ''Hönow''s easy(Berlin AB/BC ticket). Go to Once out of the S-Bahn station , cross ''AltglienickeMahlsdorfer Straße''. When getting off, you ll see there is a (the road right in parallel to front of the S-Bahn linestation), and a red light. To get thereturn left, leave the platform by using "the bridge" and then cross turn right into the first road to stand at that branches off, called ''Am Barschsee/Am Weiher''. Follow ''Am Weiher'' and keep heading straight; the red lightroad continues as ''Am Grünzug'' after crossing ''Hoppegartener Straße'' and eventually as ''Wernergraben''. You Once you can ask cars every time they stop for see the red lightREWE supermarket, turn right into ''Stöbberstraße'' and follow it until its very end (it becomes ''An der alten Gärtnerei'' past the kindergarten). The red light is 100 m before Turn left into ''Bamberger Straße'' and walk until the onramp of the motorway going to Cottbus or Dresdenmain road ''Neuenhagener Chaussee''.
ICarefully cross 'd suggest 'Neuenhagener Chaussee'' – it’s a busy road with cars going pretty fast – and start walking on the dirt road straight ahead. At some point the road turns right and you have to go some hundred meters down enter the forested area; the road crosses a stream called ''Zochegraben'' here. The road will now continue to the left whereas on the right you’ll see a small path. Turn left and keep following the dirt road. A normal lane changes into few minutes later, after walking besides a parking lanefield (on your right), where cars can easily stop. Actually I saw cars from anywhere in Germany there will be two paths to a small natural pool (Dresdenwhich, Hannoverdepending on the time of the year, Hamburgmight not have any water in it; you’ll recognise the place though, Munichhaving some wooden installations as well as a small “sand beach”. There, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Offenburg, Leipzig) [[User:Redjo27|Redjo27]]you’ll also see a wire fence that follows the direction of the pool if you were to look at it from the dirt road.
If Walk past the pool on the right hand side – there’s something like a path for a few metres – until you go encounter high grass or the overgrown area respectively. From here, the easiest way to Prague, make sure that drivers who stop in Dresden bring you continue is to look where the least shrub is and head towards the service area "Dresdner Tor Süd"wire fence. Chances are you’ll be doing some bush-bashing (again dependent on season), so don’t wear your fanciest clothes. "Dresdner Tor Nord" Once besides the wire fence, the grass is also possiblenot too high and walking becomes easier; keep following the fence, but then you have to walk approx. 1which will make a 90° right turn soon,5 kilometers through when a huge field to go to the other sideopens in front of you.
==== Grünbergallee ====You can also take the S-Bahn one station further to ''S Grünbergallee''. You'll find a big road and From there, you’ll already see a big hardware-store (called ''Hornbach'')power line. There Your destination is a right-going lane at wooden gate near the big road. Just show a sign saying ''Dresden'' at power pole on the beginning of this lanefield. Sometimes you can ask drivers at the parking lot of Walk along its edge or simply across the hardware-store field if they can take you conditions are favourable, no farmer is around and you’re wearing boots or something similar. Approximately 20 to 30 metres before the first petrol station on power pole, you’ll see the Autobahn open gate (this is just a minutes ridewith nothing but an overgrown area behind it). From there you can be lucky, tooon the edge of the field.
==== Car pooling====As there's not really a great spot to hitch outEnter the gate and immediately turn right; walk about ten metres, sometimes worth to consider trying something elsethen turn slightly left (approx. True, agreeing in advance 45°) and paying for a ride keep walking. The shrub is totally not hitchingpretty dense in places so again it’s some bush bashing, but you can save painful hours a few metres further you’ll already encounter the fence of waitingthe Raststätte. Normally there If you followed these directions, chances are lots of offers on [], till you’ll already see the gate in the fence to enter the first petrol station it shouldn't be more than five eurosrest area.
=== East towards [[Kostrzyn]] Altogether, the walk is a little bit over 5 km and [[Frankfurt an der Oder|Frankfurt should take 90 minutes at the most. To skip walking the suburban part in the beginning, you can also take bus 943 (Oderdirection: ''S Hoppegarten'')]] ===If you are only going to Frankfurt/Oder or somewhere else from ''Hönow'' station and get off at ''Thälmannstr.'', with this bus stop being very close by, you can try to hitch along where the national dirt road B5/B1 instead of taking is starting at ''Neuenhagener Chaussee''. However, the highway A12bus only runs once per hour during weekdays and operates in tariff zone C, meaning you'll likely need an additional ticket.
At the Raststätte, trucks heading for Poland abound, as well as a fair number of private cars with Polish number plates.  === East towards [[Kostrzyn]] Poland and [[Frankfurt an der Oder|Frankfurt (Oder)]] === If you are going to Frankfurt/Oder or somewhere else close by, you can try to hitch along the national road B5/B1 instead of taking the highway A12.  Take the S5 to Mahlsdorf and follow Hönewer Straße to the South until the big intersection with the street Alt-Mahlsdorf. After the traffic light there is [httphttps://maps.googlegoo.degl/maps?q=Mahlsdorf+Berlin&hl=de&ll=52.504777,13.613766&spn=0.001753,0.004823&sll=51.151786,10.415039&sspn=14.819685,39.506836&geocode=FeckIQMdQMLPAA&hnear=Mahlsdorf,+Berlin&t=m&z=18&layer=c&cbll=52.504771,13.613946&panoid=HBi4_bXjladKpgEY_Ak41g&cbp=12,120.68,,0,7.31 /45v4qR1Np822 enough place to stop]. Cars go quite fast, but often slow down due according to the changing traffic lights. There is still a lot of city traffic though . Small walk away also is a Star Tankstelle petrol station (verified 03adress Alt-Mahlsdorf 117) Directly before the entrance to the Berlin ringway there is a bus stop & Shell Tankstelle suitable for hitching further. About 10 km after the highway the B1/09B5 changes from a fast two lane road to a smaller national road.  === North towards [[Fürstenberg]], [[Neustrelitz]] and [[Neubrandenburg]] === For the East part of Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania the B96 could be a good option instead of A11/A20, because there's only one petrol station on A11 and none on the eastern part of the A20. '''Option 1'''  Go to S Oranienburg (S1, RE from Südkreuz - Hauptbahnhof - Gesundbrunnen, RB Lichtenberg - Hohenschönhausen). From Oranienburg go by bus or walk to Sachsenhausen, Kirche bus stop and continue walking Granseer Straße for 15 minutes and you'll reach the B96. At this point the B96 still looks like a highway. But don't be confused: just a few meters before the onramp Oranienburg-Nord there's a sign saying that Autobahn ends. So cars are allowed to stop north of the ramp. Between Oranienburg and Neubrandenburg just Neustrelitz is bad for leaving a car. If you're driver goes to Neustrelitz leave the car 2 km before at the last crossroad (connection with B198 to Wesenberg, Mirow) and use the bus stop over there to go on to NB or ask if you driver can drop you off at the North end of Neustrelitz. In every other town/2014village on that way the B96 goes directly via the town. So you can get off and look for the next busstop on the B96. Weekend or holidays it might be that there's nearly no bus via Sachsenhausen, Kirche then you can go by train to Sachsenhausen (Nordb) and walk 1 km to the spot. Check before on Vbb-Homepage! '''Option 2''' Raststätte Stolper Heide highway rest stop Go by bus 8O9 till stop Stolpe (OHV), Autobahnbrücke than 1OO metres back and right side 1 km walk away is Raststätte Stolper Heide highway rest stop on road 111.The road serves just as access to rest stop and starts opposite side from road 111 upramp Or you can walk 4 km from S Bahnhof Hohen Neuendorf starting from Stolper Street than its changes to Hohen Neuendorfer Weg street and all the way to bus stop above. There is a bicycle road next to street
Directly before the entrance to the Berlin ringway there is a bus stop suitable for hitching further. About 10km after the highway the B1/B5 changes from a fast two lane road to a smaller national road.
== Hitching In ==
A word about getting into Berlin since the ring is so big and maybe you are on a ride that's only passing by.
[[File:DSCF0460.JPG |200px|thumb|left|got stuck]] [[File:DSCF0467.JPG|200px|thumb|left|behind the fence of autobahn/motorway A2/E30]]
=== The Ruhr area ===When hitch hiking towards Getting into Berlin from Belgium, avoid passing since the Ruhr area (Dortmund, Essen, Duisburg). Once ring is big and maybe you get in, itare on a ride that's difficult only passing by. Good option is to get outat. Service stations are rare and passing traffic avoids this region. We tried on several places and had to take the train to pass this area (lost 5 hours). There are sufficient work arounds to avoid this area. See also the hitchwiki page of the [[Ruhr Area]].
'' I have experienced yesterday: Do not take a hitchhike in direction of Osnabruck/Bremen/Hamburg, be a little bit more patient and wait for a ride in direction Hannover! I have stepped off at the tankstation === Highway 10 km before Osnabruck at the A1 and have waited there for 4 hours, all cars go up north. I was coming from Essen.--[[User:Hapiel|Hapiel]] 02:25, 27 July 2012 (CESTWarsaw > Amsterdam) ''===
=== East and West ===The best is to get Get off at ''Rasthof Michendorf'' (after all the ring interchanges). There is a bridge over the Autobahn nearby so if you are coming even from [[Poland]] you can jump over and easily find someone going into the city. * Alternatively, you can walk into Michendorf itself, which takes about 20min30 min. Just head north from the petrol stations (you can go under the motorway Autobahn from the southern petrol station). From Michendorf, you can take a train for EUR 3.10 30 to the centre of Berlin (the ABC ticket, which is valid for 2hrs2 hours, so you can also use metro, bus etc. when in Berlin). The last train everyday is at 2200:3021. So don't leave the petrol station if you get there after 2200:00. Also, if you end up having to sleep over there, that train station is definitely not really suitable for sleeping; however, near the petrol station there's a 24 hours restaurant called "Restaurant Michendorf Nord", you can charge your phone there and probably sleep in the downstairs toilet for disabled people.
Alternatively, when coming from the east about 2 km before Or get of at "Königs Wusterhausen"/"Wildau". The exit is one exit after the interchange "Berlin ZentrumSchönefelder Kreuz" (on the A10 direction Poland. I consider it's really not a good idea as the quickest to get off in Berlin from the South! Maybe your driver can drop you in the village at interchanges on the autobahn)S-Bahn otherwise here is the independent version: If you want to get off in Königs Wusterhausen, there the best opportunity is an a bit a freestyle one. 2 km after the exit for ''[["Königs Wusterhausen]]''" there is 150 m long bridge called Wildauer Brücke. If your driver is ready to stop there he can drop you directly after the bridge on the hard shoulder. There If you pay antention you will be find a lot of commercial shopping buildings small door in the noise barrier. Open the door, go down the stairs, you will see just before you need to exit find the road for Königswusterhausen. Walk 20 min and as you are exiting will see be at the S-Bahn station, the McD'slast S-Bahn for Berlin is at 00:41! Map [ here]. Then, if Alternatively you can't find a ride going into Berlin (which could be rare actually) walk about 1 km into take the same road in the nearest townother direction [https://goo. There is a bus going gl/maps/XhvjZqX9rks map] and go to Berlin for 1 EURthe S-Bahn station Wildau. == Public transport ==
Blackriding is possible, albeit risky. Ticket inspectors usually wear uniforms on the U=== A115 -Bahn, on the S-bahn it's possible that there are some in civil clothing, and since they do not receive an hourly wage but a salary depending on how many people they catch, playing the "dumb tourist" will have no effect on them; they want you in their record. The good news is that even if they ask you to pay the fine on the spot (EUR 40), you can say you don't have the money and then you have two weeks to pay it. Be careful when giving false addresses, as inspectors can check whether the name and address you give them match. Giving a foreign address is your safest bet here. If a controller catches you, use some identification besides your passport, preferably one that doesn't have your real name on it. That way you're not in the system. First time you also may have a good chance to decrease your fine if you write a letter to the S-Bahn office. It´s wise to mention things like it was an unlucky event, you've been overwhelmed by the city and the mass of people and that you usually pay for the good and ecological public transport... :)Spanische Allee ===
Trams and buses are easier to blackride: Trams have vending machines inside, so keep close to one and in case someone should ask for tickets just be You can get off at the point of getting one, after all, it exit ''Spanische Allee'' if your driver takes a while the [[A115_(Germany)|A115]] passing by Potsdam to find some small cash, figure out get into the city which ticket to get, how to use most people do that are coming from the machine West... :) On buses From the station ''Nikolassee'' right next to it youcan take the S-Bahn to ''Zoologischer Garten'', ''ll have Friedrichstraße'' or ''Warschauer Straße'' from where you can go anywhere. It is usually faster to show do so unless your ticket driver really goes directly into your neighbourhood, because you need more or less the same time by public transport to go anywhere in Berlin from this spot as with the car. Also your driver when getting in, but they barely look at can easily go off the highway and back onto it so an old used one usually does just fine.
Another option is the social one: Most people are actually riding on a monthly ticket called "Umweltkarte". It is valid for *two* adults after 20:00 and all day on weekends and public holidays. The same also applies to the 7day ticket, but not the student ticket. So just ask around, but be prepared to explain yourself as it's not common so people may be somewhat puzzled at first. Take it as a way to meet random people and at the same time relax about controllers!
In case you splurged and got yourself a real ticket, share it! A single one works for a whole two hours, and a day ticket until 03:00. After you're done using yours just drop it inside a vending machine or on top of the validator thing, and someone will be happy to take it! == The Ruhr area warning ==
=== Other useful info ===When hitch hiking towards Berlin from Belgium, avoid passing the Ruhr area (Dortmund, Essen, Duisburg). Once you get in, it's difficult to get out. Raststättes are rare and passing traffic avoids this region. We tried on several places and had to take the train to pass this area (lost 5 hours. There are sufficient work arounds to avoid this area. See also the hitchwiki page of the [[Ruhr Area]].
Sidewalk express (internet) is located in the food court at ''Hauptbahnhof'', pick up some of the leftover receipts and enter the code, there is usually some time left. This is the internet I'm using now.
Also, the American library something, close to Halleches Tor has a lot of computers with free Internet access and free wifi.== Nomadwiki & Trashwiki ==
== Eating =={{nomadwiki}}
At ''Hauptbahnhof'' the McD's has free refills, pick up a cup and get high on fizzy drinks.

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