Hi, I'm PhysicsHipster, a hitchhiker from Montreal, Canada, currently based in Munich, Germany. I am also a (semi-retired) moderator for the Hitchhiking Subreddit. In 2019 I packed up my marker for the most part, and am working as a researcher doing some cool AI stuff. I also got married! But before that I did spend a decade hitching all over, alongside my studies. Here's the location list.
Where He's Hitched
2010 - Australia & New Zealand
2011 - Across Canada
2012 - Japan, Laos, Bhutan
2013 - Across USA
2014 - Western Europe and North Africa
2015 - Iceland, More Europe, Middle East
2016 - North India, Eastern Europe, Portugal
2017 - Italy, Macedonia+Kosovo, Central Aisa, Montenegro+Bosnia+Croatia, Netherlands
2018 - Norway (Svalbard), Sweden, UK, Uganda, More Eastern Europe
2019 - One final lift along the Amalfi Coast
I think it was a pretty good decade. By the end I'd visited 76 countries on 6 continents, of which I'd hitchhiked in 55. But those are all just numbers ;) Now I feel it's time to take a break, and look towards new things instead of just country collecting. Well, then off I go...
Unexpected bonus hitch 2022 - Brunei + a bit of Malaysia (got stuck and no buses)