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Asia phrasebook

132 bytes added, 08:25, 18 November 2014
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# Selamat datang (Welcome) - Selamat pagi(Good morning 7am - 11am) - Selamat siang - (Good midday 11am - 3pm) - Selamat sore (Good afternoon 3pm - 7pm) - Selamat malam (Good evening after dark) - Selamat jalan (Good bye to one leaving) - Selamat tinggal (Good bye to one staying)
# Mau ke mana? (where are you going, literally "want to where?")
# Important: The "Mau ke mana – Game": "mau ke mana" is often used as a second greeting, like "how are you" and no elaborate answer is expected. This can lead to a lot of confusion when hitchhiking since most drivers will ask you this question first. The easiest answer is to point in the direction you want to go and say "sebelah sana" (over there), but you can also answer with for example "mau ke jakarta" (i want to go to jakarta), although it's mostly best to avoid specifying too soon i.e. avoiding telling the driver exactly where you are going while at the same time figuring out where they are going. Other good answers are: "lurus saja" (just straight), "lurus terus" (straight through), "ikut jalan ini saja" (just following this road – literally "follow road this just") or "sedikit lebih jao saja" (just a little bit further – literally "little more far just"). For further explanation, you can say "Mau ganti mobil nanti" (i want to switch vehicle later – literally: "want switch vehicle later)."boleh naik?" (may i get in?)
# ke/di/dari sini/sana (to/at,in/from here/there)
# Asking for a lift: "Mau" (want), "Bisa" (can) or "Boleh" (may) plus "ikut" (to come along) or "nebeng" (hitchhike, javanese slang, not understood throughout all of indonesia) or "numpang gratis" (free lift). If its a pick-up or truck, add "di belakang" to get a lift in the back
# belakang (back, behind), atas (on top, over), di depan (in front, forward)
# pergi (to go, to leave) – kiri sini (left here, means stop here) – turun (descend, step out) – boleh turun di sini? (can i get out here?) - naik (to ascend, to hop on, to take a kind of transport) - saya tidak naik bis (i don't take buses)
# ya (yes) – tidak/ngga (no) - tidak apa-apa (no problem, everything is fine) – belum (not yet)
# tidak mau (i don't want to) – tidak bisa (impossible/(i) can't) – tidak boleh (not allowed/ you shouldn't)

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