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Kolding is a city in Denmark.

Hitchhiking out

South/West towards Flensburg, Tønder, Germany

Head towards the southern part of the city (bus 4 & 5) towards Knud Hansens Vej, from there you can walk to the road that's going to the motorway, it's called Tankedalsvej and in theory it's illegal to walk along it towards the motorway but it's not really enforced. There's also a petrol station at the big cross near Tankedalsvej but Pebermayn can't recommend using it since it's mostly locals and not people leaving the city.

North/East towards Århus, Copenhagen

There are 3 good options going this way.

  1. Closest to the citycentre: Take the bus number three towards Petersbjerggård and walk north on Fynsvej, there is a petrol station and a nice spot where cars can stop. If you don't want to use the bus it takes about 20 minutes to walk there from the train-station.
  2. More traffic: If you take the bus jump on bus 5 heading to Kokholm and get out at the big Scandic hotel, from the hotel you can see the onramps. If you are the walking type find Vejlevej and just keep following it away for city centre until you are at the onramps near the Scandic hotel. The walk is almost an hour.
  3. From the south of the city: Walk south along Holbergsvej and continue walking on the trail into the forest area. Follow the asphalted trail to bottom of the valley and make a right, when you face the forked path. At some point you will see a parking lot to your right. This is a rest area on the motorway.

West towards Esbjerg, United Kingdom

Go to Ny Esbjergvej just across from the big shopping mall (Kolding Storcenter), you can use bus 5 going to Kokholm or bus 15 going to the mall, it's a spot with a lot of traffic going a lot of different places so a sign is a huge help. you can't miss the signs when you are there. Use this road if heading for the ferries to UK.

Accommodation and Sleep

Check Couchsurfing, it really shouldn't be a problem to find a host here since there are quite a few people using the city as a pause point between Germany and Sweden.

Other useful info

The city is often used as a stopping point if you are going to Copenhagen/Sweden from Germany.

There is a castle on a hill which closed at 5 p.m. (but you can peek into the courtyard anyway) with a lake around. There is a huge library next to a train station with a free computers and internet, benches, couches. Anyone can walk in, have a break. (in the basement, there is a nice spot with picnic benches and not so many books, where you can even eat something small. (It´s probably not permitted, but we sat there for more than a hour with food, but noone came to kick us out) There are also huge parks around this city, where you can build a tent.