Crossable rest areas in Denmark

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The following service stations allow a hitchhiker to cross over to the other side on foot. This is a complete list for all motorways in the country.

In Denmark service stations are usually opposite or almost opposite (<1 km away), each serving one of both directions. The list includes only stations where going to the other side is possible using only or mainly asphalted roads.


  • Serviceanlæg Harte. Crossable westbound in 45 minutes.


  • Serviceanlæg Ejer Bavnehøj. Crossable southbound in 20 minutes using the lanes of the motorway exit the station is connected with (illegal).
  • Serviceanlæg / Rasteplads Hjallerup Enge. Crossable northbound in 10 minutes. The southbound side only has a parking area!


  • Serviceanlæg Tappernøje. Crossable southbound in 20 minutes.

E20 / E47

  • Serviceanlæg Karlslunde. Crossable southbound in 5 minutes with pedestrian / car tunnel.


  • Serviceanlæg Roskilde. Serves both directions, situated westbound off the motorway (Autohof style)