A21 (Italy)

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<map lat="45.231068787026814" lng="8.912189841249335" zoom="8" width="850" height="450" />

The A21 is a motorway in Italy, it leads from Torino to Brescia. It is part of the E 70.

Hitching the Autostrada A21 Italia.svg

Legend: Verygood.png (very good) | Good.png (good) | Average.png (average) | Bad.png (bad) | Senseless.png (senseless)

Pfeil unten.svg

Pfeil oben.svg

Autobahn junction.png Autostrada A55 Italia.svg
AB-AS-blau.svg Stupinigi
AB-AS-blau.svg Debouchè
Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Nichelino Sud Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Nichelino Nord
AB-AS-blau.svg Statale 20
Autobahn junction.png Autostrada A6 Italia.svg
AB-AS-blau.svg Vadò
Spain traffic signal r200.svg
AB-AS-blau.svg Santena
AB-AS-blau.svg Villanova
Spain traffic signal r200.svg
Autobahn gasstation.png service station Villanova Sud Autobahn gasstation.png service station Villanova Nord
AB-AS-blau.svg Asti Ovest
AB-AS-blau.svg Asti Est
Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Crocetta Sud Autobahn gasstation.png service station Crocetta Nord
AB-AS-blau.svg Felizzano - Quattordio
Autobahn junction.png Autostrada A26 Italia.svg
AB-AS-blau.svg Alessandria Ovest
AB-AS-blau.svg Alessandria Est
Autobahn junction.png Autostrada A7 Italia.svg
Autobahn gasstation.png service station Tortona Sud Autobahn gasstation.png service station Tortona Nord
AB-AS-blau.svg Voghera
AB-AS-blau.svg Casteggio-Casatisma
AB-AS-blau.svg Broni-Stradella
Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Stradella Sud Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Stradella Nord
AB-AS-blau.svg Castel San Giovanni
Spain traffic signal r200.svg
AB-AS-blau.svg Piacenza Ovest
Autobahn junction.png Autostrada A1 Italia.svg
Autobahn gasstation.png service station Nure Sud Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Nure Nord
AB-AS-blau.svg Caorso
Spain traffic signal r200.svg
AB-AS-blau.svg Fiorenzuola
AB-AS-blau.svg Castelvetro Piacentino
Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Cremona Sud
AB-AS-blau.svg Autobahn gasstation.png Autobahn Restaurant.png service station Cremona Nord
AB-AS-blau.svg Cremona
AB-AS-blau.svg Pontevico
AB-AS-blau.svg Manerbio
Autobahn gasstation.png service station Ghedi Sud Autobahn gasstation.png service station Ghedi Nord
AB-AS-blau.svg Brescia Sud
Autobahn junction.png Autostrada A4 Italia.svg
AB-AS-blau.svg Brescia Centro

Pfeil unten.svg

Pfeil oben.svg

sources: http://hitchwiki.org/maps/?zoom=11&lat=45.07&lon=7.69, http://maps.google.de/maps?hl=de&ll=45.02,7.60&t=k&z=14, http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/A21_(Italien)

Italian motorways
