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Mexico City

180 bytes added, 00:00, 1 February 2014
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=== SOUTH: Cuernavaca ===
If travelling towards Oaxaca, its better to pass east first through Puebla. Follow the directions above.
You can take the autopista or the beautiful carretera a Cuernavaca, if you leave the city via carretera you can (if the weather is fine) overlook the whole city.
Both roads begin at the end of Tlalpan. One way to get there is from metrobus last station "Doctor Galvez". The metrobus the which runs down the long north south road "insurgentes". Take it to the last stop and find your way to the highway. There is a good place to hitch there. The metrobus You need a card (which costs about 11 pesos including 1 ride) to take the metrobus, but if you ask, people will let you use their card for 3.50 pesos. From Doctor Galvez a minibus runs to the point where autopista and carretera split. You can take another minibus to the toll gate (caseta de cobro) de la autopista.
=== NORTH: [[Pachuca]] and [[Querétaro]] ===

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