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Category:Tech team

You can check out who is on the team and join or contact them on GitHub.

Hitchwiki needs you

So far Hitchwiki has been running without a budget of any significance. In order to keep it running smoothly in this way we're looking for some folks who are willing to spend some time on Hitchwiki. Check out currently running Projects first.


  • Mediawiki: Knowledge of templates, editing, MediaWiki namespace, things like this. Semantic MediaWiki is a nice extra.
  • Frontend: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Administration: bash scripting, Debian
    • puppet would be nice
  • Map: python (web & data science)

Not all is necessary of course, every assistance is appreciated. And we are good at spreading links to learnĀ :)


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "Tech team"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.