A-27 (Spain)

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Earth > Europe > Southern Europe > Spain > A-27 (Spain)
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<map lat="41.14872489910846" lng="1.2633451223159415" zoom="12" width="250" height="550" float="right" />

The A-27 is a motorway in Spain, it leads from Tarragona to La Pobla de Mafumet.

The part between the  A-7  and the port of Tarragona is signed as  N-241 .

Hitching the  A-27 

Legend: Verygood.png (very good) | Good.png (good) | Average.png (average) | Bad.png (bad) | Senseless.png (senseless)

Pfeil unten.svg

Pfeil oben.svg

(3) AB-AS-blau.svg Francolí
(2B) AB-AS-blau.svg Avenue Ramón y Cajal
(2A) AB-AS-blau.svg Avenue Barris de ponent
Autobahn junction.png  A-7 
Autobahn junction.png  AP-7 
(6) AB-AS-blau.svg Constantí
(8) AB-AS-blau.svg La Pobla de Mafumet

Pfeil unten.svg

Pfeil oben.svg

Spanish highways

Autopistas (AP) (tollroads): AP-1AP-2AP-4AP-6AP-7AP-8AP-9AP-15AP-36AP-41AP-46AP-51AP-53AP-61AP-68AP-71

Autovías (A) (freeways): A-1A-2A-3A-4A-5A-6A-7A-8A-10A-11A-12A-14A-15A-21A-22A-23A-26A-27A-30A-31A-32A-33A-35A-38A-40A-41A-42A-43A-44A-45A-48A-49A-50A-51A-52A-54A-55A-58A-60A-62A-63A-64A-65A-66A-67A-70A-75A-77

Radials of Madrid: R-2R-3R-4R-5