User:Fish Soup

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Revision as of 21:29, 9 June 2014 by Fish Soup (talk | contribs)
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A Page Drowning in Fish Soup

Fish Soup is an odd name, isn't it. To me it represents the events in your life that you can not control. Moments that remind us that it is life that has us by the balls, and not the other way around. The puzzles that propel us forward through time. The problems, and solutions that define us.

I hate (real, not figurative) fish soup, but I love life.


I'm in Western Canada, but for all intents and purposes, let's call Medicine Hat, Alberta my home town.


Vocationally Speaking

I'm a migrant worker. A Hobo, more in the traditional sense, rather than how the word seems to be used now a days.

Vacationally Speaking

I would say that I value time, and experiences shared with people, more than I value material wealth, and possessions.