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Revision as of 00:02, 16 October 2010 by (talk)


Bernhard did hitch into Calama and figured out that the only available hostel is more expensive than a cheap hotel. Check some of the hotels before going to the hostel. This hostel is known for having the people waiting outside as the reception is not staffed at all times.

You can camp outside, even without a tent because in this city it never rains! But it cools down during the night, so keep that in mind. As well are there some couchsurfers.

To Do

Definitely don't miss the FREE tour to the mine. Go to the tourist information (early morning, 9am! or the day before) and reservate your seat for the tour. It is totally free and really awesome. The tour starts at about 2pm and lasts 2 hours. You need to go to this freaky town outside (I forgot the name, sorry). You can try to hitchhike, but there is not a lot of traffic! I recommend the collectivo. But you definitely can hitchhike back as you meet lots of tourists with rental cars.