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AVP Free Encyclopedia

Revision as of 23:04, 26 March 2008 by Platschi (talk | contribs)

AVP Free Encyclopedia - Russia's largest electronic book for travelers. It is a collection of practical information for independent travelers on different places of the planet Earth, largely gather by Russion hitchhikers. The FE is a project of the Academy of Free Travels (Академия Вольных Путешествий, AVP). As of March 10th 2008 there are 1187 articles, 187 comments and 315 categories, 286 authors and 645 registered users.

"Free Encyclopedia" - a special book. 
First, only here can be found all under one cover Russia (and all CIS countries - under another). And secondly - and most
importantly - the book  answers the many questions of "How much?", "Where?" and "How?". How to get to a city (region), 
with money, and without? Where to eat? Where to spend the night - not only with full, but also with an empty purse? Where 
to find fellow human beings? How to get out of the city as a hitchhiker? How to go by rail or passing locomotive, aircraft, 
the motorboat? How much costs a loaf of bread or a lunch in the cafeteria? We have tried to respond to many of these questions. 
A. Krotov, from the preface to 4th "VE" edition 
