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Kelebekler Vadisi

Revision as of 22:10, 28 March 2007 by MrTweek (talk | contribs)

Kelebekler Vadisi, also known as Butterfly Valley, is a remote valley south of the port town Fethye. It offers travelers a chance to do volunteer work on the in exchange for food, shelter and a great time. The work can be anything from gardening to bartending.

Get in

There are 2 ways to reach the valley.

The most common one is by boat. During the summer session there will be boats leaving Ölüdeniz 3 times a day. At other times they will only go when the weather permits it and when hired.

A alternative way of reaching the valley is to climb down the mountain. The cliffs are a bit step but the trail is very easy to follow and offers a safe way down. To get to the mountains you should first walk along the road to Ölüdeniz there you will be picked up in no time. You can ask for rides to Butterfly Valley and most people will understand you, in case they dont say Faralya. This is the village located on top of the valley and also were the trail down the mountain begins.

External link