Brest (France)

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Earth > Europe > Western Europe > France > Bretagne > Brest (France)
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Brest is the city du Ponant, at the end of Bretagne.

Hitchhiking out

Direction Rennes

Go until the roundabout of Pen Ar C'hleuz, then place yourself under the bridge of the motorway. Generally we left in under half an hour. To reach the roundabout, you can take bus 12 go out at the stop Pen Ar C'hleuz, or line 1 stop 8 mai 1945. Bus time schedule. Very busy in the morning, I waited for an hour around 8-9 AM, 4 cars stopped but only the last one was going far enough (Morlaix).

Direction Quimper/Nantes

Two choices:

  • The most easily accessible from the city center: the commercial port. Just below the train station. You can walk on the road going along the walls to a large roundabout where start the road of vieux-saint-marc it's kind of the beginning of the motorway.
  • The solution to catch the more cars leaving the city: the roundabout of Kergleuz southeast extremity of Brest, at the entrance of Relecq-Kerhuon. The only way to get there is to be dropped off by a car.

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