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Joined 24 May 2014
Revision as of 12:04, 1 September 2019 by Earlyturtle (talk | contribs)

Michaelangelo from Bristol.

Things that seem to help with hitchhiking: -Signs with serif lettering. -A hi-vis/fluorescent jacket. -Rolled-up sleeves/bare forearms.

Hitchhiking experiences

Japan: 3100 km moving between and around Shikoku, Shimane, Fukuoka, Kagoshima, the Amami islands and Yakushima.
Much of this is detailed on my blog (March-May 2012)
Longest lift: Fukuoka to Kagoshima (282km)
Longest wait: 6 hours in Yakushima.

June-July 2014
9800 km Around Norway (started in Oslo), Germany and back to the UK.
This trip was inspired by and is dedicated to Taylor Booth.
74 lifts, average distance 132km.
Longest one-day distance: Oslo-Bremen (1045km)
Longest lift: Malmö - Cologne (795 km)

June 2015 Basel-Peckham Notes

December 2015

Madrid-Lisbon and back Notes

August 2016 Madrid-London Excerpt

June 2017 Madrid-Galicia and back [1]

August 2018: Madrid-London and back.

July-August 2019: 8000+km through France,Belgium,Holland,Ireland,Wales,England,Germany,Poland,Lithuania,Denmark,Spain.


Email: earlyturtle (a) mac (d) com