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Earth > Americas > South America > Chile > Iquique

Iquique is a city in Chile.

Hitching out

If you are looking for a ride to cross the border to Argentina or Peru, many trucks departs from Zofri (Zona Franca de Iquique) to Peru, Bolivia or Paraguay.

The easiest way to Hitch a ride south is to go to the exit of Iquique (la salida) which is called bajo molle (micro bus 4,6, or 17 from líder store or taxi colectivo). From here the route 1 highway starts and goes down the coast towards Tocapilla or Antofagasta.

The alternative is to get a bus to hospicio and ask to get off at the autopista. From there you can get a ride to the route 5 highway and choose to go north or south up or down Chile.

Mind of a Hitchhiker took the micro to Alto Hospicio and got a ride to the last gas station on this highway in early 2017. There she found another ride to Humberstone from where she found a ride up north the Ruta 5. This was quite a hassle and could have been done much easier. Ask for Huara instead if you're going north.