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Joined 15 March 2013
Revision as of 03:13, 20 July 2013 by Uyku.tulumu (talk | contribs)
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with 8 ppl we hitched a ride. Mexican pick-up!

My real name is not Uyku Tulumu (which is Turkish for sleeping bag), it's just Lea.

Just like everybody else, I travel by hitchhiking, mostly without money, but not completely (sometimes I use ground-dived coins). My travel buddy is completely moneyless. We are both proud trash eaters. Be it the famous Berlin dumpster-sceene or stuff from a Mexican market, comemos basura! Also, I count 22 years and have been born in a country that no longer exist, today it's Croatia. ATM we are in America, starting from Mexico and going south. It is always a pleasure to meet a fellow hitchhiker somewhere on the road! ((:

This is our travel blog: