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Earth > Asia > Eastern Asia > China > Chongqing

Chongqing is a city in China.

Hitching Out

Like all big cities in China, its a real effort to get out of town. The standard is, to take a cheap bus to a small city, to go on hitchhiking. Habakuk12321 took a bus to Dazu [1]. The region there is greate, the villages small and there is almost no tourism. Its btw the way to Chengdu

North/South/West/East towards Yichang

Chongqing is on the Yangtse river. Habakuk12321 did not find a way for free to go there for free. But the three georges dam is worth a visit.[2]

Hitching In

Chongqing is a megalopolis. Its difficult to hitchhike into the city center. There are buses to the center, in this area exist a lightrail to find the way to the main places, the bus and the port.

Places to Avoid

Accommodation and Sleep

Try to ask the students at the univerity camp. They speak english and they are helpfull or try couchsurfing.

Other Useful Info