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Hitchwiki:Preserving and reviving digihitch

Revision as of 23:49, 10 June 2010 by Guaka (talk | contribs)

For those who were not aware, the founder of Digihitch passed away a couple of months ago. looks unmaintained. guaka had been in touch with Salman in 2008 to integrate hitchwiki and digihitch and got some kind of access to the server, which today proved enough to fetch a database dump and get access to all files. Please do contact guaka if you have more experience with digihitch administration (especially with PHP Nuke).

Let's try to at least preserve and possibly revive


Current issues

add more

Forums down? 19:47, 10 June 2010 (UTC)

phpBB : Critical Error 

Error creating new session

Fixed!! guaka 20:22, 10 June 2010 (UTC)

But not possible to post new topics yet. At least all information is back, enough for today I guess :) guaka 20:30, 10 June 2010 (UTC)

Restoring status

  • I downloaded the database and I downloaded all files in the root directory. There are a lot of directories and it's lot of work to recover the files in there one by one. Which directories definitely need to be fetched? guaka 20:06, 10 June 2010 (UTC)
  • I just checked, I don't have write permissions for most files, I might be able to do stuff through PHP scripts though and I can fix stuff in the database (such as the forums which are back now, well at least readable). guaka 21:49, 10 June 2010 (UTC)

The domain name?

What can we do?


Contact kasper at guaka dot org if you prefer personal communication.
