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Revision as of 21:53, 27 June 2007 by Guaka (talk | contribs)

A1 North

Tomorrow we're hitching north from Paris, so here's some info I found...

Good info:

So, I guess, take metro line 7 to La Courneuve 8 Mai 1945 or line 13 to Basilique de Saint-Denis (RER D to Gare St-Denis is faster, but more expensive), take T1 to Cosmonautes, where you should see the highway on-ramp. The gas station is 1 km from here, and probably there's no legal, safe way to get there without getting a ride.


  • km 4: La Courneuve highway entrance
  • km 5: aire de service La Courneuve
  • km 26: Aires de service avec passerelle, Vémars
  • km 44: Péage
  • km 80: Aire de service, Ressons
  • km 122: aire de service, Assevilliers
  • km 165: aire de servi

More about this later :) Guaka 22:44, 26 June 2007 (CEST)

Possibly better: take line 13 to Karrefour Pleyel, walk along Boulevard Anatole Fran... google maps. Guaka 10:54, 27 June 2007 (CEST)
And this was actually pretty good. You have to walk a bit, and maybe it's actually easier to go to another station, but from Carrefour Pleyel you have a good overview. At the point where the highway starts we waited about 15 minutes, to get a ride to the gas station at La Courneuve, and there was a car with a Dutch number plate that actually dropped us not far from Breda :) Guaka 21:52, 27 June 2007 (CEST)
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