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New Year's Eve Gathering in Switzerland 2023/2024

Revision as of 17:09, 28 November 2023 by Flavorpeach (talk | contribs)

Earth > Europe > Hitchgathering/2023 NYE

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Tonight 22/11/2023 many people talked on the hitchwiki matrix group chat and we came to a decision to do this new year's gathering in a nice cabin in Switzerland were already few winter gatherings happened in the last years.



Probably between the 26th december and early january, it more depends on if people wanna come around the 23th december or more around the 28th december for example, and if people feel like staying few days after the 31th december or feel like stay a week or two more, can't say.

Probably people will give updates here and on the mailing list and on the matrix/signal group.



Hotel d'Italie Cabin

There are tons of cabins in this area, it's rather unique and very nice to walk around. They are maintained by the local commune so the they are stay in a good state. Locals sometimes go there to eat fondue or party, but rarely stay more than a night even on NYE where it might be packed. There is always at least some wood storage and it's very easy to pick up and dry some if not enough.

There might be a water tank of drinking water near the Cabin, if not the closest house is 3/4km away from the Cabin so nothing too crazy for a water mission.

      • people were also debating on gathering in a smaller town nearby and come to the cabin together. if you’d prefer that and would feel safer to do so, reach out to people in the matrix/signal group or suggest time and place here***

more info soon

What to bring

The Cabin is more or less 1400m high, I checked the weather and it should be around -3/3°C by day and -10/0°C by night, we'll be in a nice Cabin with a stove so it should be pretty warm inside.

Personal stuff : your personal medication if needed Sleeping : mat, sleeping bag Cooking : knife, bowl/plate, fork, spoon Hygiene : you can figure it out, just there is no sink so no way to get rid of our grey water except by dumping it around

anything else?

Collective stuff : Cooking : big pots, chopping board, bucket or a small basin to dishwash, spices, oils, nuts, dry food, fruits/veggies, etc... to cut wood : saw? machette? axe? billhook?

anything else?

How to get there

It's a 5km walk on a small mountain road from the main road to the Cabin

a little plan :

the nearests village on the french side is Bois-d'Amont and on the swiss side Le Brassus

It seems it's possible to dumpsterdive in Les Rousses ( french side )

***When are you coming?***

Just a proposition so people may have a better idea who is gonna be there or how many people are gonna be there, can be anonymous too

flavorpeach : i should arrive the 27th or 28th december and staying as long as I feel like it ( I'll bring a big pot for cooking )

anonymous: i might also arrive around the 27th, maybe earlier, and stay as long as i want