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Halle (Westfalen)

Revision as of 17:35, 12 October 2011 by GeorgDerReisende (talk | contribs)

Earth > Europe > Western Europe > Germany > North Rhine-Westphalia > Halle (Westfalen)

Halle (Westfalen) is a city located north-west of Bielefeld in the federal state of in Germany.

Halle (Westfalen)
<map lat='52.06515603952788' lng='8.363513946533203' zoom='13' view='3'/>
Flag of Germany
Coat of arms of North Rhine-Westphalia.png
North Rhine-Westphalia
Population: 21,177
Licence plate: GT
Major roads: A33
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In Halle you can find the Gerry-Weber-Stadium.

Hitchhiking out

North towards Osnabrück

Just behind the city the two roads towards Bielefeld are coming together, going towards the start of the A33. There you can find a big traffic light, just behind it there's some space for cars to stop. Additionally some meters earlier, just behind the railway crossing, you might try to start hitchhiking.