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Munich (München in German) is Bavaria's capital.

<map lat='48.13' lng='11.58' zoom='10' view='3' />
Flag of Germany
Coat of arms of Bavaria.png
Population: 1,342,166 (30 Sep 2007)
Licence plate: M
Major roads: A8, A9, A92, A99
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Hitching Out

North towards Nürnberg, A9

Take the Subway 6 to Studentenstadt. From there walk about 300 meter north on Ungererstraße until you are under a bridge. You will see signs for the motorways. This leads directly to the A9, a quick and easy route to Berlin or Nürnberg. For i.e. Köln it is best to stop at the Rasthof Nürnberg/Feucht as the freeways converge here. To continue on A93, i.e. Regensburg and Dresden you can change the car at Rasthof Fürholzen some 30km north of Munich.

The roadworks mentioned by Sitarane are now finished. Although traffic wasn't heavy, I found this to be an excellent spot and got a ride out within ten minutes.

Southeast towards Salzburg, Vienna, Innsbruck, Italy, A8

The A8 begins inside the town. A few hundred meters before the beginning, there is a bus stop called Ramersdorf, so enough place to stop. Take a subway to Karl-Preis-Platz or just walk from the town center along Rosenheimer Straße. This is far from an ideal spot, as it's very difficult to catch the attention of the drivers in this spot, and there is too much urban traffic and buses. If you do choose this spot, make sure you have a very visible sign.

Or walk straight after seeing bus station Rosenhimer Strasse pass the street, pass the huge sign A92 and stay at the and of the fence and when any car stop just him to drop you at Rosenheim service station or if you want to go to Balkan make sure that you get out before A10 in Austria.

It's possible to put Rosenheim on a sign, which is the next city along the motorway. Close to Rosenheim, there is a huge service area (Irschenberg), where you will surely get a ride to Austria.

South towards Garmisch-Partenkirchen, A 95

The best spot to start your hichhike is on Fürstenrieder Straße. There is a bus stop 200 metres after the crossways Würmtalstraße-Fürstenriederstraße. Cars can easyily stop there. Use a sign (A 95, or Garmisch). In the evenings you can try to get a lift at the traffic light at the crossways. Both spots are not really good but okay.

West towards Augsburg, Ulm, A8

From the central railway station (Hauptbahnhof), take tram S2 towards Petershagen. Get out at Obermenzing. There along the street you can either walk the 2-3 km towards the motorway, or take bus #143 towards Blutenburg. This stop is located directly in front of a roundabout, where the A8 for direction west starts. There's enough place for cars to stop in front of the roundabout. Expect high traffic. For the petrol-station-lover, some meters before a small petrol station is located, so if you're bored, go asking people there.


Maybe not the most comfortable place to sleep, but always open and not busy at night is the airport Franz-Josef-Strauss at A92 (from Regensburg). Hitchhiking away from there (late) in the evening is a pain, but if you end up there, you can count on a dry and warm night. There is no waiting hall (there are no flights at night) but enough restaurants where you can pick your bench and toilets are open anytime.