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Albania is a country in Europe.

The capital is Tirana.

Hitch-hiking in Albania is pretty much feasible, the country's living condition has improved greatly in the past years and it is gradually reaching the same standard than it neighbours. The government investment in the police force also raised the safety issue in most of the country, however it is paramount to remain cautious and hitching by night or in some area might not reveal too wise. Beware of the poorest area and hitching next to a slum will not help you both ways, as you will be quickly dragging the attention of dozens of children lurking at your bags and also cancel your chance to get a lift out of there. If you find yourself around such place, just walk away and ignore the people until you are in a better area.

People are usually friendly and ready to help, although most car driver will not understand the concept of hitch-hiking and private taxi is a major form of public transport. Therefore, make sure before you board a vehicle that the driver is not an informal taxi. Also make sure to keep an eye on the road you are going, if the driver make a sudden turn around, changes his natural path or take another direction, it is likely that he is either a taxi driver or that he thinks he is doing good by bringing you to the local bus station. You therefore will have to be reiterative on stating that you do 'autostop' all the way. You usually won't have to worry if the vehicle stopping is a company car or a truck driver. They are already salaried, and won't be doing taxi.

Applications-office.png This article is a stub. This means that the information available to us is obviously insufficient. In these places little information is available or the description is severely outdated. If you have been there, whether hitchhiking, for travel or as part of an organized tour − be sure to extend this article!