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Marcus De

Joined 10 June 2013
Revision as of 08:58, 11 June 2013 by Marcus De (talk | contribs)

About Me

My name is Marcus. I'm a musician living in Budapest, Hungary but I'm originally from Lugau, Germany. So far I've been hitchhiking in Australia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, India, the Netherlands, Slovakia & the US. I've made lots of pretty amazing experiences with hitchhiking, that I wanna share with this page. File:M in Reyk.jpg

Hitchhiking Journal


Inspired by Elisa, my lovely roommate at that time, I chose to give hitchhiking a first try in 2010. I decided to go to Osnabrück to visit my girlfriend, who studied there at that time, but unlike usually chose to hitchhike, rather than rideshare. Being overly happy about a guy saying, he's goin' North, I also immediately made my first mistake... I started from Leipzig and would have gone A 14 to Magdeburg, then A2 to Hannover -> Bad Oeynhausen then A 30 to Osna - usually 4-6 hours driving. But instead I totally messed up that there are 2 highways going north -> A 9 North to Berlin and A 14 NorthWEST to Magdeburg. Of course there was no rest station to get off, once I realized, that Berlin is the wrong highway... So I thought it'll be alright and I'll just get off at the last gas station (see Nr. 1 in Pic above) before the Berlin Ring Highway and ask around for whoever's goin West (Magdeburg). Unfortunately it turned out, people would go a lot of different directions, into Berlin, Hamburg, Rostock, Stralsund and Frankfurt_an_der_Oder but nobody went West. Why? Everyone coming from Leipzig or in between would have taken the A 14 directly. So after asking around for quite long and going back into the gas station to check the maps a again, a man helped and told me I wouldn't find anyone. So -believe it or not- he went 45 min out of his direction to drive me to the next gas station on the A 2 -> this time heading the right direction... Funnily enough, and to prevent these things from happening again, he gave me his Atlas for the future - great guy! Getting there it was already dark and so I only managed to go to Hannover that day. Luckily my brother lives there, so I crashed at his and proceeded the next day to Osna... What a bad start - yet I've learned so much right away :)

- to be continued...