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Karol Yohan

Joined 2 November 2012
Revision as of 13:24, 3 November 2012 by Karol Yohan (talk | contribs)

About Me

A half Norwegian half Portuguese Hitch Hiker. I finished my Comunication Engineer degree in Lisbon Technical Univ. and I decided that Id rather be a bum than a engineer, so I started hitch hiking saying that I wanted to go to India (to seem like I had a plan). I speak Portuguese, Spanish, English, Norwegian and a bit if French so that helps when hh in Europe. Before this trip i rarely hitch hiked, did it once in Uganda when was with a friend at a bar and we decided at 10pm that we should climb mount Elgon (we did, but went a bit bad) so we hh 300km in Africa at night (but paid for rides). Also hh in Portuguese festivals because the busses where overcrowded.

I have hitch hiked from Portugal to Georgia so far (Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia) without ever paying for transportation or accommodation for 5 months.

How I sleep? I have a small Bivy tent, a mattress that goes from my head to my ass (travel light) and I put my bag under my fet (also have a sleeping bag). Normally when arriving in a big city I ask gently my driver if there is a good place to camp (Some drivers can get worried if I tell them Im not going to a hostel). If not I just walk until I find a good spot, normally keeping an eye open when arriving at a city and trying not to be in the center when I first arrive. Also sometimes I use CouchSurfing or Servas. And also many times I get invited by the driver, normally thats the best :).

Food? I buy rice and veggies (and curry!) and cook them, although I dont have a stove so sometimes when raining its a bit hard and might starve a bit.But when I'm a guest I normally buy normal things like a restaurant meal or whatever, don't want to be awkward.

Longest wait? 6 hours at a highway entrance in Toulouse.

Country spent most time? Turkey: almost 3 months


In Georgia, currently handling visa stuff (Im from EU, we are not used to handle visas)