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155 bytes added, 13:32, 26 August 2012
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*Bernhard is a film making student from [[Austria]] and he has been to more than 30 countries.
*So far, he hitchhiked in the [[United Kingdom]], [[United States]], [[Chile]], [[Ecuador]] and [[EcuadorAustralia]] and is also a very active [[Couchsurfing|couch surfer]].
*He speaks German, English, Spanish and a bit of Finnish and Russian.
*He started hitchhiking in June 2009 and did around 10 15 000 km since then, mostly in [[Chile]].
== Personal records ==
* '''Longest distance'''
** 2003 km From from [[Concepcion]] to [[Calama]] in [[Chile]] in April 2010. (I broke the trip up in [[Santiago de Chile]], though.)** 4650 km from [[Brisbane]] to [[Perth]] in [[Australia]] in August 2012.
* '''Worst waiting time'''
* My longest ride with almost 1500km. A guy gave me a lift and as he had to go far, I ended up driving the car for some time as well. He offered me to stay at his house for the night and paid for food and drinks. Next day a friend of him needed to go to the exact same destination as I wanted to go and I could go with him - also driving the car part time.
* I managed to housesit a beach house in [[Ceduna]] for 5 days.
* Well, there are numberless moments more, since something special happens all the time. People tried to convert me to the Islam, I positively hitchhiked within a car (holding the sign out of the window while I was in a car who gave me a lift), got free food and drinks, was kicked out of a car in the night somewhere on a highway where the cars passed by with 120km/h.
* Shoot a movie about hitchhiking from [[Europe]] to [[Europe]] via [[Australia]].
<travelmap countries="at,fi,pe,es,au" c2="cl,gb,us,ec,au"
width="1000" description='red: lived there, yellow: hitched and lived there (but I lived not in Ecuador), blue: traveled there' />

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