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353 bytes added, 21:12, 7 July 2012
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'''The Okanagan''' is BC's wine country. It is very hot, and desert-like. Lake Okanagan is home to the famous Ogopogo monster. Hitching the region along the lake is generally easy. The northern part, around Kamloops, Williams Lake, etc. can be more difficult. The region is rife with drugs, and can be a little rough, especially in smaller towns. There are great opportunities for fruit picking, especially along the lake and southwards. [[Osooyos]] is an oasis, and makes for a stunning drive.
Easy to get rides throughout, especially north/south along the 97, and easy to get temporary work anytime from June through October. The Okanagan is home to a large fruit and wine industry, often allowing for day-to-day temporary jobs that pay daily, with many orchard owners allowing you to camp in their orchard or providing basic picker's shacks.
The countryside and climate are comparable to Southern California at times so bring plenty of water and be ready for sunshine!

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