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727 bytes added, 04:42, 12 November 2010
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A nineteen year-old girl who grew up Can host in a sleepy town in Sweden. Born in Sarajevo, Bosna-Hercegovina and lived for some months in Norway in 2010. Travelling aroundWellington, mostly by thumb. Currently in West AfricaNZ.
A nineteen year-old girl who grew up in a sleepy town in Sweden. Born in Sarajevo, Bosna-Hercegovina and lived for some months in Norway in 2010. Travels around, mostly by thumb. Currently in New Zealand. Likes snowy, arctic landscapes and libraries. The first thing to do when arriving in any city that will be subject to a stay longer than two days: find. the. library.
See a lot of people have specific stats on distances and such, and I will try to organize my memories and get some up here too, until then. I like to hitch, it's free and not much more cumbersome than any kind of public transport (whilst being free, so hitching wins).
I can easily distinguish my best hitchhiking experience though. It was with two cars (switching car from day to day), with three other guys from basque country in the north of spain. Insane, adrenaline-pumped and illegal amounts of fun. Really, africa in general.
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