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1 byte removed, 02:12, 9 August 2009
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== Hitchhiking ==
Hitchhiking in Belarus usually is very good and can be quite enjoyable, even though a small number of older drivers might ask for some money when giving you a ride - to avoid that, tell the driver about your intention to travel for free before you sit into the car (''"Ja puteshestvuju avtostopom, platitj ne budubez deneg"'' [''"u"'' is pronounced as ''"oo"'' in English] - ''"I travel by hitch-hiking, and I won't paynot paying any money"''). It might be more difficult if you are more than 2 persons traveling together - in such case it would be smart to split up for some time.
Language barrier can cause some troubles since many drivers speak almost exclusively only Russian or ''Trasianke'', the mishmash of Belarusian and Russian, therefore please learn some basic phrases in Russian before you go there. If you do understand some Russian but you are not acknowledged with Belorussian culture don't get scared or disappointed hearing many swearing words when drivers talk to you - these words aren't directed onto you but are rather a simple hearty expression that is very normal for everyone there.

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