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2 bytes added, 22:56, 4 November 2008
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There are several options to hitchhike north towards [[Homs]] and [[Aleppo]]. A good spot to find the road northwards is from ''Martyr's Square'' (Ash Shuhada / Marjeh). There walk eastwards to the ''Al Thawra'' Street. You'll recognize the big bridge there. Follow the street to the left (northwards) for around 500m until you reach the crossing with ''Baghdad Street''. Walk further northwards for around 500m until you reach the pedestrian bridge and a minibus station. Walk under the bridge and you'll recognize the ramp to the highway going right (eastwards). Start your hitchhiking here with one of the many pickups towards [[Homs]]. Many signs will show you the way. Have fun waving down the taxi's and minibusses :)
===Northwest towards [[MaalulaMaaloula]], [[Homs]]===If going towards Maalula Maaloula or [[Seydnaya]], or towards the highway direction [[Aleppo]], you can also catch a minibus (7 SYP, August 2008) to ''Barzeh'', and get out at the last station there. There are some shops and a very small market at it's end, and it's just before the mountains begin and the city ends. See the image, it shows this spot. From there, it's very easy to catch a ride north towards the villages in the mountains, even the road towards [[Beirut]] shows up 2-3 km later.
===South towards [[Jordan]], [[Bosra]]===

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