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Talk:Hitchhiking a boat

36 bytes added, 13:27, 16 June 2020
Crew-finding websites
Hi Treefrog, I'm not sure if we can find a common ground here. I travelled the world many times over, but never ever did so at someone else’s expense. If this is what free or cheap travel means to you or this entire platform - good luck to you, I’m glad I never met you in person. I provided useful, factual, and honest information. I'm a proud traveller who contributes to the travelling and nomad community, not sucks the life out of those who make it possible. If you think this is too much, or more than others, really what is your point? Is this about sharing information or restricting it? Are you the readers parent, or do you think they can make up their own mind about what they read and what suits them? Who's interest are you protecting or representing here for moderating these updates? What you keep reverting the text to is misleading, if not even defamatory. Do you really want my bio? What has this to do with sharing useful information? I don't think a treefrog has any more credibility than someone who provides information that can easily be researched and verified by anyone. Trust, are you kidding? Have you ever used Google and checked what you're trying to back up? I think some of your contributions are fantastic, but others are simply misleading and controlling. I wish we could see eye on eye on this, but if ego takes the better of this then I'm happy to leave it at this.
If one can't or doesn't want to see the differnce, it is very difficult to point out the difference in: 'The main thing you can do as a free member is "wave" to captains' (saying you can't do anything else) verses 'The main things you can do as a Free member are pretty much the same as a Premium member, except exchange personal messages with other matching Free members.' Most people would see that this means the exact opposite, and the later can easily be confirmed by anyone. Also it is not US$70/month because it is charged in AUD at AU$75 for 30 days (currently US$52), as currency conversion changes daily, and there is no monthly fee but a 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, or 360 days Premium, changing the monthly cost on the option one chooses, which can be as little as AU$28/month (US$19/month or GBP15/month), or even much less with the Lifetime Premium.
While who is promoting who with: 'CrewBay is probably the most useful free dedicated crew site as of 2020' verses 'CrewBay is another useful dedicated crew site'? Crewbay is giving members who pay more profile options and better ranking, while Find a Crew doesn't do any of that for anyone! Who really is a free dedicated crew site here? The one who gives the same chances to everyone from the start for as long as they like, or the one who puts those who pay ahead of those who don't? Not really free if you think about it.