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Pamir Highway

1,641 bytes added, 14:12, 17 July 2018
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Please keep patience, relax and be ready to wait for a days in some places. The number of cars is tended to zero on part from Kalaikhumb to Sarytash. From [[Kulob]] to [[Khorug]] up to 50 in a day in both directions, mostly heavy trucks and fullfilled taxi. From [[Khorug]] to [[Murgab]] up to 25 in a day in both directions. From [[Murgab]] to SaryTash up to 5 cars in a day. There is a truck with gasoline from [[Murgab]] to Tajik border control in Sarytash direction and back 2-3 times in a week. Also there is 23 km of no mans land between Tajik and Kyrgyz control points. Be ready to walk this distance through mountain pass Kyzylart 4200 meters altitude. Best option to start hitchhiking through Pamir track is to start from Osh, then move to Sarytash and then move to [[Murgab]]. This direction gives advantage of new transit cars (buses, trucks, tractors etc.) going from China to Tajikistan. There could be up to 50 transit cars in a day in Sarytash>>>Murgab direction.
Most trucks on Pamir track transport cargo from China, so before going to Pamirs find out schedule of holidays on Tajik and Chinese border controls. In some periods of year China got up to 10 days holidays, so up to 1 week there will be no cargo trucks on Pamirs.
Probably traffic is higher in high season when tourist transit the road with offroad private cars, so better traffic in July/August.
Don't hitchhike a truck if the road is unpaved, steep or in bad condition unless you don't want to get stuck at 15 km/h for hundreds of km.
Very difficult to estimate an average km/day because depends if you are in a offroad car or in a truck and depends on road condition (paved/unpaved/steep). For me was average 300km/day hitchhiking only offroad cars in daylight.
From Osh to Sary Tash: a lot of traffic both cars and trucks, paved road in good condition, average speed 80 km/h.
From Sary Tash to Murghab: just a few private offroad cars, most of them full of people, good road condition both paved and unpaved, average speed 80 km/h on offroad car. Altitude from 3200m to over 4000m, highest peak 4650m. Temperature: Murghab 3600m max 19C min 7C in July.
From Murghab to Khorogh: a lot of offroad cars, most of them full of people, few trucks (Shacman chinese brand), first 150 km unpaved road in bad condition 40 km/h with offroad car, 20 km/h with truck, last 150 km mostly paved road 80 km/h with offroad car. Altitude: From 3600m to over 4000m down to 2000m.
From Khorogh to Qal'ai Khumb: a lot of offroad cars, most of them full of people, few trucks (Shacman chinese brand and Kamaz old russian), unpaved road in bad condition, 40 km/h with offroad car, 20 km/h with a truck.
From Qal'ai Khumb to Dushanbe: most of the traffic directed to Dushanbe leave the M41 to take the road to Kulob. This road is paved and in good condition, 80 km/h in a car if is not too steep.
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