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1 byte added, 01:02, 7 April 2011
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In the central part of Afghanistan hitching is most common on Russian "Kamaz" trucks, but can be extremely slow (100 km can takes up to 5h) because the roads there are more for the donkey caravans, not for the four wheel transport. Traffic is very low as well, it's possible to wait up to 6 hours for the first truck to appear. About half of the times, the drivers want some money from you, but the other half of the drivers can be really funny and hospitable.
[ Justas] hitched successfully only in the central part of Afghanistan (Hazarajat) in 2007 and in northern Badakshan province (Ishkoshim to Faizabad) in 2010. From ''Bamyan'' to the incredible ''Band i Amir'' lakes and on to ''Chagcharan'', although he took the wrong way, got lost and had to trek in the isolated mountain valley for two days. He hitched back from ''Chagcharan'' to ''Bamyan'' and the north of the country. He intended to hitch all the way to ''Mazar e Sharif'', but while sitting in a jeep and crossing over the ''Solang'' tunnel, he was dragged out of the car by the northern alliance soldiers (on suspect of being a Taliban), held up for the evening in ruined military barracks in the mountains and then taken to the police station in the city to sleep (they said sorry afterwards). He also tried to hitch out of ''Mazar'' and out of ''Kunduz'', but both times unsuccessfully and just took public transport after hours of waiting.
[[User:Taylor|Taylor]] tried to hitch in Afghanistan in 2009, dressed as a local. He was confused for one several times and it might not have helped him because showing yourself as a foreigner will attract attention to you, especially from people trying to protect you. The downside is that it makes you also easier to spot for Talibans or other radicals. He got his ride on buses paid by kind people as he didn't manage to really hitch.

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