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2 bytes added, 22:58, 30 October 2010
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'''Guinea-Bissau''' is a country in West [[Africa]]. The official language is PortugesePortuguese, but most people speak a mix of french French and portugese; CreolPortuguese Creole. It is a small country wedged between Senegal to the north, Guinea to the south the atlantic Atlantic to the west.
The capital is Bissau, by the mouth of the river Geba. A small city with a lively fisherman's market by the water. European bank cards rarely work so make sure you make a withdrawal with what you need in senegal Senegal before crossing the border to Guinea-Bissau.
Pensao Creol is the best place for finding rides beforehand. Many european European drivers with cars to sell stop there before heading further south or towards the east part of the country.
The roads are fairly well trafficked in and around Bissau and the roads leading to the capital fron from Senegal and Guinea, rides are usually easy to come by though some will ask you to share gasoline costs.
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