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8 bytes added, 18:00, 4 September 2010
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4/9/2010 -09-04 JK added:
I'm making this addition from the McDonald's mentioned above, after several hours (over three, possibly four) trying for a lift outside the Carrefour petrol station.
And in theory yes this should be a great spot for picking up a lift, but in my opinion it definitely isn't.
This means from the exit of the petrol station and truck stop to the A4 there's nowhere for any vehicles to stop with reasonable safety - anyone stopping here to pick up a hitchhiker is running serious risk of being shunted from behind, which is why I would avoid this spot and find somewhere else.
But having talked to a few locals it seems there is no obvious other place in the locality to head for.
This view would seem to be confirmed by the fact that after several hours working hard for a lift I saw no other hitchers AT ALL'''at all''', and only three cars with German registration plates, not a great tally for anyone hoping to make it to Germany before nightfall.
And as for Chinese registration plates, fuggeddabboutit.
autopatrolled, Check users

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