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North America Hitch Gathering

1,034 bytes added, 05:00, 11 June 2010
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Another idea is in regards to weather. What happens if it rains? Any shelter for a group ov people should be taken into consideration. Its not much fun if everyone is trapped in a tent because ov torrential storms. Sure, rain gear is usually included in all backpacks. But what about make-shift structures? Is there an amphitheater where we can get together?
Above all- let everyone voice an opinion, discuss it and then decide. But for Paris, the destination(aweful towerEiffel Tower) was known from the start, in Odessa (statue ov poet Shevchenko) was determined sometime just before hand. And at the moment Portugal is still floating, yes? The flyers may help sway those undecided.   -----CONCENTRIC CIRCLES outside Denver. i recently posted messages in some major cities that surround Colorado asking for assistance in organizing a meet-up point for any participants on the way in the days preceding the event. In '08 we met in Hamburg and Utrecht prior to Paris. There were other cities coming from different directions on the same days. That is was made it originally called "International Hitch Hiking WEEK', the event itself was 60% and getting there was the rest. In '09, it was more a straight shot once you entered Central and Eastern Europe(please edit this some chose the southern route through Poland, Moldova, to places neededOdessa. Where as some took L'viv, Kiev, Odessa. For me personally, these meetings made a HUGE difference in my experience ov the event. Having never traveled there before, im just on the people i met at the pubs and host-houses were invaluable in assisting my novice thumb.Can someone help me looking at a rantmap to determine other cities farther out(but within approximately 1-day hitch)and post more message??
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