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1 byte added, 03:14, 12 December 2008
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Ferries to Stockholm go from [[Helsinki]] and [[Turku]]. The latter is considerably cheaper. Both ferries also stop in [[Maarianhamina]] ([[Ahvenanmaa]]), or [[Mariehamn]] ([[Åland]]), as its Swedish-speaking population calls it. The two companies which run ferries between Finland and Sweden are [ ''Viking Line''] and [ ''Silja Line'']. Both of the companies are focused on bringing the customers a cruise-experience, and are bound to be tacky. ''Viking Line'' sells cheaper tickets without a cabin, too, which would be rather useless on the daytime trips between [[Turku]] and [[Stockholm]] anyway. As of 2008, a ferry from Stockholm to Turku costs about 25 euros, and Stockholm-Helsinki - 55 euros (both without a cabin).
''Silja Line'' is the poshier posher of the two, and thus more expensive. It's still tacky, though.
The ''Viking Line'' cruise ships have free tourist maps of Turku at their information desks onboardon board. Be aware, though, that if you take a daytime cruise (which is about half the price), you will arrive in Turku at night. During the autumn, winter and early spring that means no daylight which is no help for hitchhiking. In winter nights, extremely cold temperatures might occur as well.
When on-bordboard, during warmer time of the year you might go up outside to enjoy the scenery of the archipelagos of Stockholm or Turku.
Be aware as well of a constant attempt to lure people to buy as much tax-free alcohol and some other things on the ferries. It really isn't much more cheaper, though, than buying them on land. So, do bring a book. Usually there are free Playstation or XBox games at the kids-section to spend the time, plus very often other backpackers wander around (you might as well have a chat with them). You can also try to spot small islands severely damaged by [ Great cormorants] a few hours off Stockholm.
autopatrolled, Check users

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