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11 bytes added, 13:39, 18 September 2008
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It's not worth trying to hitchhike at all costs. Sometimes it's just more convenient to take a bus to get to a highway or to your final destinations. This is the case especially when leaving or arriving at big cities or at night. Usually you can get away without paying on public transport anyway. Just get on and take a seat. If you see someone at the stop getting on that might want to see your ticket when they get on - jump off and take the next one. Trams in particular are easy to blackride, as are buses in [[Eastern Europe]]. [[England]]'s not a great country for blackriding, impossible on buses (pretty much), and hard on trams. But for short hops on local trains, it's possible. Bear in mind though, if you get caught, you'll have to pay full fare for a ticket, and possibly a high penalty as well. You may even end up with a criminal record.
== [[Highway ]] hitchhike ==
If you need to travel over long destinations, taking the highway may help a lot, and in some place is almost unavoidable. Most highway entrances are bad spots, and many are dangerous. A good way to "hitchhike" on highway is to practice "station hopping": you only stops in gas stations. Gas stations (or rest areas, often the same) are the best spot ever, because you can go directly talk to people (show them you are nice and smile) and the car is totally stopped. Enjoy.
Do realise that in most countries, hitch hiking hitchhiking directly on the highway is forbidden! In rare occasions however, you might be forced too. Keep in mind that it is very unsafe for drivers to stop on the highway, and that your own [[safety ]] is also in danger. The [[police ]] might force you to leave the area, but in some cases they just don't care.
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