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503 bytes added, 19:03, 5 May 2022
Roadway shall mean that portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the berm or shoulder.
Thus, if ==License Plates== Urban license plates in Nebraska consist of 3 letters then 3 numbers. Other combinations are rural. Identifying plates can help aid you hitchhike from when trying to break the shoulder or berm you're not in breech of any lawice and get a ride at gas stations.
== Experiences ==
:''Nebraska has been one of the easiest Midwest states to hitch from my experience. Police frequently offer rides and I have never been bullied or lied to about the law. There are a lot of stoners in Nebraska due to the [ decriminalization of marijuana] and many of them will offer you a ride and a toke.'' - [[User:Thewindandrain|Thewindandrain]] 0:49:08, 6 March 2012 (CET)
:"Nebraska has been one of the toughest states that I've hitchhiked through. In Omaha there is very little room for cars to pull over and there are few people that go west of Lincoln so it's best to try and get a ride all the way through to Colorado. My longest wait time ever was in Lincoln where I was stuck for 2 days." - [[User:AlexKnoch|AlexKnoch]] 5 May 2022

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