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349 bytes added, 11:46, 10 January 2022
About the subway
''Comment by Roel september 2017 : I edited this page intensively. I have been deleting quite some information which seemed to be outdated or redundant. I described several options. Sure there are more options! But I have tried most of these possibilities myself.''
== About the subway Transportation ==There are check-tickets, often. And that's not so easy to know where they are and when... If you are frencha French speaker, they are not nice = if you don't pay the bill, they will take money on your bank account directly (for me, it was one year after but VERY expensive... so even if you don't live in Lille but in France, an advice: pay sooner as possible...) I don't know what happened for strangers... Maybe, they won't worry you too You can buy an 3 inter-stations ticket. It's for 0.70€, three stops (without the departure station) but they can't really check where did you start your trip :) and it's half less expensive. The commuting network covers the whole [ European Metropolis of Lille] (or MEL). It means that when you activate an Ilevia ticket, it is valid in the whole territory of this metropolis for one hour in metros, buses, tramways and even regional trains located in the MEL).
== Sleep ==

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