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67 bytes added, 22:43, 29 January 2021
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Basic rules:
#The thumb sign doesn't work. Use your imagination. The "slow down" sign works, pointing your direction is cool... Surprise them :)#If you're not Indonesian (or maybe Malay), all cars are taxis. Not only those that have a "taxi" sign, that are already legion. Even if you're not white, they'll spot you like a grease stain on a wedding dress. So, no point hitching the cars. Settle for the pickup trucks and trucks.#Sometimes they will ask you to pay after you're already in the vehicle. Since there is no highway, just ask to get dropped off.#Offers to contribute financially are not frowned upon. If you're travelling, you're probably 10 times more resourceful than them. And they know it.#If you're lucky enough to find a tourist or an expat that has space in his car, he is very likely to give you a ride. There is a sort of tacit solidarity between tourists and expats. That is if you don't mind riding with them...#[[Weather#Rain|Rain]] starts without warning and lasts for an unpredictable amount of time. If you're carrying electronics, seal them in a plastic bag.    == Nomadwiki & Trashwiki == {{nomadwiki}} {{IsIn|Indonesia}}

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