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North West England > Liverpool
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Flag of United Kingdom
United Kingdom
State: North West England
Population: 435,000
Major roads: M53, M62
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Liverpool is a city in the UK, on the Mersey estuary west of Manchester.

Hitchhiking out

West towards Wales

Almost all Liverpool traffic going to Wales will use the A550 (Welsh Road), not the M53. The best place to stand is at the beginning of the A550. To get there, take a bus down the A41, or take a train to Hooton station, then follow the signs saying 'North Wales' (the A550 is about 20 minutes walk from the station). There is a petrol station, but don't bother trying it as no traffic going towards Wales seems to use it. Hitch on the A550 itself - it is a good road, but is very narrow. There is an OK spot next to the church behind the petrol station, or you can walk for five minutes to a road junction where you have more space and better visibility.

Hitching the M53 from the city centre is a complete headache & not recommended.

East on the M62 to Manchester, Leeds & the M6 North & South to Birmingham

Take a train or a bus to the station called "Broadgreen". More close to the big road junction, before the motorway starts, there's a bus stop "Broadgreen, The Rocket PH (opp)".

If you want to turn to the M6, it might be a good idea to jump out at the Burtonwood Services and ask for rides.

North via M6

Take a train to the Station "Old Roan" and walk a further 0.8 miles to the ramp at Dunnings Bridge Road. Where the road splits to the M58 and Maghull you can cross the road (one way medium traffic) and stay there with a sign (e.g. Preston) at the start of the M58. Cars are at medium speed but there is plenty of space to stop.

Before you reach the place above is also a traffic light where you can stay with a sign or ask drivers, but as it is a two-lane road and splits soon after most cars will be on the wrong side.

Places to Visit

Lark Lane: Toxeth, South-East Liverpool. Full of colourful, cheap bars with the paint coming off the walls. Good Music on the stereo & wonderful conversation with those crazy scouscers
Sefton Park: Right off Lark lane. Weather providing of course, but Sefton Park is rather beautiful with it's man-made waterfalls and victorian glass dome greenhouses. Also met some rather interesting people there, on a sunny day some of the young trendy types will go and sit around on the main field.
Penny Lane: For the Beatles fans, there's a Penny Lane murial and a museum, HOWEVER, Paul Mcartney actually wrote the song about Allerton Road, the road that Penny Lane comes off. There's still a barber shop and lots of great places to eat, Bakeries and all-day English breakfasts.
John Lennon's Childhood home is 251 Menlove Avenue, about a fourty minute walk from Penny Lane. Worth seeing.
The Razz: A real cultural experience, the most dank, disgusting pub on the face of the planet, with a dance floor downstairs playing awful mainstream music until four in the morning. However, a pint of lager is 90p, yes 90p! and shots are dirt cheap as well .You'll be sure to have at least five, maybe six, completely idiotic drunken discussions with intoxicated students. 108 Seel Street, Merseyside, Liverpool L1 4BL.

Other Useful Info

At the Liverpool World Museum there are free storage lockers, with a 1GBP deposit.

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