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Huelva is a city between Sevilla and the Algarve region, Portugal.

Hitchhiking out

Direction of Lepe, Ayamonte and Portugal

The best way to head out of Huelva (city) heading to Lepe, Ayamonte and across the bridge to Vila Real de San Antonio is by getting on the Huelva-Punta Umbria bridge. Walk down Avenida Molino del Vega and pass the Mercadona (supermarket), LIDL and Dia and a sporting goods store on the left. You will get to a rotunda/round/about and start looking for rides. On the far left there is an entrance to the A/497 (Huelva/Punta Umbria) and also to the A-49 heading to Ayamonte and Portugal. Wait at the gas station (across the street from the McD's) and you will find someone. Look for Portuguese license plates too!

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